POET Technologies Inc.

in response to oogee's message

Oogee, your post and that of many others on the enjoyability of the EC presentation when reviewing it one or more times reminds me of this story told by the famous Scottish golfer, Tommy Armour. He says he was sitting with friends over drinks after a round, when one of them noted that the flag on the 18th was in the same position as when a famous golfer (possibly Hagen) missed a five footer that would have won the championship. One of his friends said he couldn't believe Hagen had missed that "easy" putt and bragged that he could make that putt without a problem and so Armour bet him he couldn't. So they went out to the green, placed the ball in a spot where all agreed was close to where Hagen was, and the fellow proceeds to miss. He roars with anguish and anger, and blusters, "I can make the putt the next two times, to get even!" Armour replied, "no, Hagen only had the one chance."

Fortunately, because of recording of events, those whose interest was piqued, even though it might have flown over their heads first time, likely watched the tape or had someone else watch it, who actually could analyze what the Doc said. Might we have lost a few investors, maybe, but so what, the message apparently got out, and will spread. I'm pleased with it all, not let's just make our remaining milestones.

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