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Re: and they still refuse to.....

US institutions getting involved in a company for 27 cents a share US? LMAO

almost 8 years ago
The delusions continue...

It's completely insane that the delusions continue on this board. There is no big company involved working with POET, and seriously stop mentioning Apple. There are no dots to connect. This wasn't some strategy to prevent a hostile takeover. The dream that POET will rule the world is over, please stop. This is some small little company working with other small little companies trying to carve out a little niche market. Hopefully someday in the next couple years this stock will be worth 46 cents a share US and I will sell and get all my money back that I've invested. That's the new dream. I feel for the people that may never get their money back. This was criminal, please stop trying to put a spin on it.

I told my friend my big worry is they need this money at all, this was before we found out the price. To me it meant there was no NRE coming, there is no big industry leader interested, and most of all maybe POET isn't viable. They now push DenseLight and how it could have ok revenue in the coming years and so on. In my opinion this is the last money grab possible for them to use towards the DenseLight business and making it profitable. We may never see a POET product.

almost 8 years ago
Re: Peter Copetti

I hear you about being illegal but this is alll our fault for thinking the average person would be allowed to profit. Listening to the bs that was spewed from the company. Listening to the bs that was spewed on this forum and forums before for so many years. I wouldn't be surprised if many of the people spewing didn't even own a share come the last couple weeks. Thankfully I accumulated over the last 6 years with money I don't need. I kind of feel for the people who bought shares they shouldn't have but mostly the people I know who I spewed all the same bs to. Of course I always said this may be one day worthless but I never believed it. Now I'd be extremely happy if someone came in and bought POET out for 50 cents US. I just told my friend the same thing but for a dollar US. Now I'd be happy to break even after many years.

almost 8 years ago
Re: And how do they come up with .36

I don't blame anyone but myself. I should have sold a long time ago. Nut jobs talking about Apple being involved. Excuses made at every corner. Dang...

almost 8 years ago
Re: And how do they come up with .36

Gift? Who would even buy this stock at this point? They'll be lucky if they sell a share. Hey FJ, how you going to spin this?

almost 8 years ago
Re: Action Plan - Hub Leaders clean up the board

It doesn't matter how I put it. There's an individual here that decides in his mind what you mean, your tone and what your "up to" no matter what your real intention. In his mind he is all knowing and all the wise so whether you put little puppy pictures in your post, speak with passion or monotone, he supposedly decides whether your post is worthy of the board or not and what's your intentions. How is that so much better than the idiots on SH?

I'll leave at that and won't post anymore. All I'm waiting for is one of my 3 senerios and that's all that really matters.

about 9 years ago
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