Noront Resources

High-grade Ni-Cu-Pt-Pd-Au-Ag-Rh-Cr-V discoveries in the "Ring of Fire" NI 43-101 Update (March 2011): 11.0 Mt @ 1.78% Ni, 0.98% Cu, 0.99 gpt Pt and 3.41 gpt Pd and 0.20 gpt Au (M&I) / 9.0 Mt @ 1.10% Ni, 1.14% Cu, 1.16 gpt Pt and 3.49 gpt Pd and 0.30 gpt Au (Inf.)
in response to Strategic Miner's message

Seriously so tired of this thinking. Here are 2 responses to the idea that Theresa is nothing more than a "bikini model" and that KWG is losing their marbles by using her in their promotions. One from Stockhouse and another from the website where people have left their comments at the end of the article.

from Stockhouse


August 05, 2016 - 10:52 PM 47 Reads
Post# 25116095

RE:RE:RE:RE:Vote YES people!Stop living in the past people,move forward!

Boy you really are short sighted Lou. They've done 2 dozen informative, positive episodes (seriously formal) I went back and looked all her outfits and hey are all highly conservative save for Epsiode 23. From what i know of the series it is Theresa's work IN HER OWN TIME to help promote the story, but we'll have to hear a confirmation from her on that. As far as I know, Frank does NOT direct or come up with these episodes: Theresa does! Stop trying to put blame where it shouldn't be Lou. You are starting to sound ignorant. You have your tightie whities all in a knot over one episode. If you actually did any research on the woman you'd see she is educated, with a bachelors honors degree and very intellectual. She works for many known corporate entities to build their profiles. She is one of Canada's top actresses, take a look at her demo reel Lou, I bet you couldn't memorize that many words if you had them written on the back of your arms. She is the real deal - stop trying to paint her any different. Lou is all up in arms about a factual, fun, informal, COTTAGE themed minute. Back to business everyone...

And here's a great Comment from a reader at the end of the article on their website:

from the website:

Amy Trask being a total hypocrite here. You guys ran a story AND made an "original" short video on the yearly Fireman calendar here: Any complaints? Any "wtf moments" (nice journalism btw, maybe that's why nobody left their name at the end of the article. Any "weirdness" or "not socially progressive" observations? objectified men, but the moment bikini clad women (the men had no tops) were in a tongue-in-cheek promotional videos for a mining company....there is a huge problem all of a sudden?!?


I have met Theresa many times and never cease to be impressed by her intelligence, wit and knowledge of the millenial world and how to reach them in the social media arena. I also think KWG is amazing for continually thinking outside the box and making the mining community say WTF!

As many of you know I have been involved in the Ring of Fire for longer than most. I know almost all of the players and many of the posters on the Agoracom boards. I think you're by and large pretty smart and very interesting people and I always appreciate the diversity of opinions. Until you get stupid. Unreasonable criticisms and judgement calls.

Bear with me - none of us know where the Ring of Fire is going and what either the First Nations or the governments are going to do or how, or if, they are going to move the Ring of Fire forward. I'm appalled by the way the province and the feds for that matter are not taking the lead in making it happen. Talk, talk and nothing but excuses. Totally reprehensible.

It actually doesn't even have anything to do with the fact that I have lost so much money through investing in the Ring of Fire. Totally my own fault, really bad investment decisions but I so believed and still believe that it is a game changer for our First Nations people, the quality of their life by experiencing economic development that can give them choices. Everyone in life needs to have choices. And one day we will all be part of an historic mining development that will change lives and bring us all together in a way that should have happened a long time ago.

So, yes this this is the Noront board and yes, I'm talking about KWG, but I think we're all here because perhaps on different levels we believe in both these companies and in many ways they are inextricably linked.

Okay, I'm Irish and believe in fairies and leprechauns. God bless.

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