Noront Resources

High-grade Ni-Cu-Pt-Pd-Au-Ag-Rh-Cr-V discoveries in the "Ring of Fire" NI 43-101 Update (March 2011): 11.0 Mt @ 1.78% Ni, 0.98% Cu, 0.99 gpt Pt and 3.41 gpt Pd and 0.20 gpt Au (M&I) / 9.0 Mt @ 1.10% Ni, 1.14% Cu, 1.16 gpt Pt and 3.49 gpt Pd and 0.30 gpt Au (Inf.)

Candidates address issues: Part 2 6

Tuesday, June 10, 2014 3:34:24 EDT PM

Provincial election candidates in Timmins-James Bay respond to questions submitted by The Daily Press.

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TIMMINS - At the beginning of the provincial election, The Daily Press sent 10 questions to the three candidates representing the mainstream political parties in Timmins-James Bay.

In the second of a two-part series, the candidates provide the answers to the last five questions (they were asked to limit their responses to between 50 and 100 words for each question).

Don't forget: Thursday, June 12 is election day.

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Sylvie Fontaine

Liberal Party

• 6 – What should be the government's role in developing the Ring of Fire mineral deposit?

The Liberal Party is committed to Northern Ontario and is prepared to immediately invest $1 billion in Ring of Fire infrastructure to support smart, sustainable, and collaborative development. The Ring of Fire represents a tremendous opportunity for the North, and we need a partner in government to ensure these resources stay in the North and that Timmins-James Bay benefits greatly.

Ontario remains one of the most attractive destinations for mineral exploration investment in North America and is the Canadian leader. By providing tax credits, grants and geological data, Ontario is demonstrating its leadership in this sector.

• 7 – What safeguards should be in place to ensure the Ring of Fire development doesn't harm the environment?

Government has a role to play in ensuing all stakeholders (government, First Nations, companies, communities, citizens) are heard though the environmental assessment process. Beyond that, there must continue to be an open dialogue between all stakeholders going forward to ensue not only that there is environmental protection, but that the services and infrastructure is in place to support this development.

• 8 – In standardized testing, most Northern schools score lower than their southern counterparts. How do you close the gap?

Ontario Liberals are committed to helping our kids become lifelong learners — that’s why we’ve increased funding for education for the 10th straight year. Funding is up 56% since 2003. By 2014, all four- and five-year olds will have access to Full Day Kindergarten. Stating to educate our students earlier, across the province, is critical to our long-term success. Ontario Liberals are the only party committed to giving our children get the best possible start – and giving our economy the most highly educated workforce in the world.

And we are already seeing results ... Grad rates have increased from 68% in 2003 to 83% in 2013.

• 9 – Should the government be more directly involved in negotiations between First Nations and industry (particularly the mining sector)?

Ontario Liberals are committed to partnering with First National and that's why we created a stand-alone Ministry of Aboriginal Affairs and Launched the New Relationship Fund (NRF) to help Aboriginal communities participate in meaningful consultations with the government and the private sector. In addition, Liberals established the Premier’s Annual Meeting with Aboriginal Leaders. In terms of the Ring of Fire, Liberals formalized our relationship with First Nation communities by making investments into socio-economic development, long-term monitoring of environmental impacts and resource revenue sharing. Liberals have taken an active, yet respectful role in negotiations.

• 10 – What part of your party's platform would most benefit Northern Ontario?

Clearly the Ring of Fire and our commitment of a billion dollars in infrastructure is critical for Northern Ontario. In addition, the Northern Industrial Electricity Rate Program and other rebates and credits are vital as electricity bills can be reduced by 25% to 50%, maintaining important manufacturing jobs. Infrastructure investments, including looking at the twining Highway 11, will be tremendously important. Our commitment of funding for municipal governments, non-profits, and private sector through NOHFC as well as maintaining and expanding ONTC are vital for moving us forward.

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Gilles Bisson

New Democratic Party

• 6 – Without delay, a NDP government would provide sorely needed leadership with respect to the Ring of Fire. Unfortunately the Liberals have dropped the ball when it comes to this project. New Democrats would invest in necessary rail or road infrastructure and we would give First Nations a share of provincial and, hopefully, federal existing taxes on new resource projects. Also, we would provide training dollars to help train up the workforce that will be needed in the Ring of Fire. We will not allow ore mined in Ontario to be shipped unprocessed out of Ontario.

• 7 – There is no reason that the Ring of Fire development should harm the environment. The Ontario mining sector has become world leaders in how to mine in a sustainable way, by adopting systems like our mine closure planning system. A NDP government would ensure that all proper processes are followed to safeguard against any ramifications from this exciting find. New Democrats will work with all stakeholders because the health of the environment is important to all Ontarians.

• 8 – Certainly there are some schools in Ontario that need more supports than others. A NDP government will introduce a number of initiatives that will improve student achievement. We will launch a Student Achievement Program that will provide monies to hire additional education assistants. All children will get the help they need to succeed in the classroom. There will be investments in student nutrition and local food initiatives. Our “Open Schools” program will prevent school closures and extend after-hour programs.

• 9 – Yes, government should be more directly involved in these negotiations. In fact, that is why we want to create revenue sharing and land use planning with First Nations. Getting these two things right is the key for getting First Nations not only on side, but real partners in mine exploration and development. This will create the certainty that industry needs when making decisions to explore and build mines in Ontario.

• 10 – Although there are many aspects of the NDP platform that would benefit Northern Ontario (purchase of 200 snow plows and bringing back the Northlander train to name a few), our initiatives for business will have the biggest impact. We will reward businesses that create jobs with a Job Creation Tax Credit that will create up to 170,000 jobs. A NDP government will reduce the Small Business Tax rate from 4.5% to 3% by 2016. We will support companies that invest in buildings, machinery and equipment in Ontario with an Investment Tax Credit.

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Steve Black

Progressive Conservatives

• 6 – What should be the government's role in developing the Ring of Fire mineral deposit?

The government should be doing whatever it takes to get the Ring of Fire developed. We all know what the oil sands have done economically for Alberta. The Ring of Fire will do the same for us. The Liberals have bungled this file. One of the main players, Cliffs Resources, even walked away and suspended operations out of frustration with the government. I work in mining. Now let me work for you to make sure our local businesses get in on this project and people in Timmins benefit from these good paying jobs.

• 7 – What safeguards should be in place to ensure the Ring of Fire development doesn't harm the environment?

Ontario isn’t new to responsible mining practices and no one benefits in harming the environment. We need to work with our First Nation partners to ensure that both science and Traditional Environmental Knowledge are applied to develop this project in the most sustainable manner possible.

• 8 – In standardized testing, most Northern schools score lower than their southern counterparts. How do you close the gap?

You close the gap by putting more money into front line services. Education, much like health care, wastes too much money on administration. Kids aren’t taught in a board room. Kids learn in a classroom. That’s exactly where we need to invest our money. I have a daughter in elementary school and a son eager to start junior kindergarten in September. I want to see the best possible teacher standing in front of them in the classroom. I want them to get back to learning mathematics and sciences to prepare them for the jobs of tomorrow.

• 9 – Should the government be more directly involved in negotiations between First Nations and industry (particularly the mining sector)?

The government has a constitutional responsibility to consult with First Nations on developments which could potentially affect their traditional lands. Unfortunately, the government has neglected this duty and Northerners have lost jobs over it. Look no further than Solid Gold to see the impact of a government issuing permits while neglecting its duty to consult. Businesses have suffered. Jobs have been lost. It’s not a question of should the government be more involved. They are legally required to be. They can no longer pass the buck down to mining and exploration companies.

• 10 – What part of your party's platform would most benefit Northern Ontario?

The PC Party’s main focus is job creation, something that is even more critical in Northern Ontario. There are very few good paying jobs like we once had here 20 or 30 years ago. People are working two or three jobs to make ends meet. We will create more jobs in Ontario and get Northerners back to work by developing the Ring of Fire, by putting wood back into our sawmill’s yards instead of on a truck to Quebec and by making it easier for employers to hire again by reducing taxes and making electricity affordable.

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