Noront Resources

High-grade Ni-Cu-Pt-Pd-Au-Ag-Rh-Cr-V discoveries in the "Ring of Fire" NI 43-101 Update (March 2011): 11.0 Mt @ 1.78% Ni, 0.98% Cu, 0.99 gpt Pt and 3.41 gpt Pd and 0.20 gpt Au (M&I) / 9.0 Mt @ 1.10% Ni, 1.14% Cu, 1.16 gpt Pt and 3.49 gpt Pd and 0.30 gpt Au (Inf.)

Toronto, Ontario

March 4, 2011

Native workers call for Blockade

The Toronto Convention Center Workers Union Local representatives announced today that they will be setting up a blockade at the Toronto International Airport to protest what they call illegal activities by several mining companies on their traditional lands.Spokesman for the TCCW, Mr. Elias Moon stated that these mining companies began invading the West Hall and began line cutting and booth staking without the proper consultations."There has been no discussions in respects to this activity on our native area" he commented."Others have now joined in the rush to be in this area that has been our traditional workground and they have also neglected to inform us of their intentions."

Mr. Moon said that they also plan to blockade Union station for anyone wanting access to the Convention Center grounds via the footbridge."Without proper consultation this event will not happen.Prospecting and all upcoming conference activities will need to have an agreement in place, a mutual understanding between those seeking to do business on our lands."

Several booths had been staked without consultation.One company with the largest booth in the hall, Noront Resources,has stated that they had consent prior to staking the area as they had earlier in the day, briefly contacted a local TCC worker inquiring where they could source electrical power for their operations.Two other companies have also been implicated inthe disturbance of the peaceful grounds of the convention center, KWG and Cliffs Natural Resources.Neither one of these two companies included TCC workers in their intended plans as they blatantly seized control over the freight only aisle which acts as a corridor for freight in and out of the Center.

"PDAC is the one's responsible for this organized invasion of our respected ground"They have not signed a contract and given us a deposit toward development".They are planning to move forward with operations beginning in four days despite the calls by Moon for dialogue on the subjects ranging from environmental cleanup to benefits that his people must receive at the time of settlement. "When the usefulness of this "show" is over, what will my people have to show for it.""So far we have seen only reckless acts by these mining companies as they set up camp all across the West Hall."

TCC locals have voted to stop these activities and have ordered a work stoppage immediately to all lands which now includes the East Hall.Union members will be enforcing the blockade beginning on Sunday for all flights inbound for the conference, with runways at the airport to be blocked by several overpriced coffee kiosks, which at an expense, were transported to Toronto International by local workers. Other cardboard structures will also been used to obstruct both the takeoff and landing runways.

" It is customary to make settlements in the form of cash when dealing with TCC workers, it is a way of ensuring things get done for your benefit when you are working in this environment", states mining executive Han Wesson."We believe our early arrival on the scene and our initial contacts with the local workers has been positive and so far the twenty loonies spent on "influence" has made it possible for the forklift driver to reach the companies remote booth location."

Even though PDAC has had these plans in the works since last year, Mr. Moon says that he was never informed and the union locals will proceed with their plans for the blockade of both the landing strip and train station until the proper dealings have been set forth and agreed upon.Locals have always enjoyed the tips and relaxed work conditions on their workgrounds going back to local treaty #99 during the formative years of the TCC.

Mynot friends,

I really don't know where I'm going with the story above. I do know I'm going to PDAC. Is anyone else?

Just a parody of things for the board's amusement. Glad to see positive news today. The techies have called the double bottom in the SP, let's see how well we do. Remember Cooper's (Dundees) forecast of $1.40 with comments added on by Kaiser the bottom feeder, not too long ago about another Eagle equivalent?

I think that we have found it at the Southwestern complex.

My reasoning stems from the fact that they outlined 2 planned drill holes for this area, out of the 10K meter overall total winter drill program. That drill was supposed to move back to Eagles Nest as reported NR of Jan.20. when completed. Today they let us know the drill is still at AT4. HMMM!

That's quite a long time, some 40+ days for two planned drill holes. Management must feel confident in what they are finding.

Off to PDAC with a handful of questions.

Warm regards,


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