Noront Resources

High-grade Ni-Cu-Pt-Pd-Au-Ag-Rh-Cr-V discoveries in the "Ring of Fire" NI 43-101 Update (March 2011): 11.0 Mt @ 1.78% Ni, 0.98% Cu, 0.99 gpt Pt and 3.41 gpt Pd and 0.20 gpt Au (M&I) / 9.0 Mt @ 1.10% Ni, 1.14% Cu, 1.16 gpt Pt and 3.49 gpt Pd and 0.30 gpt Au (Inf.)

My NOT friends,

The latest news release had me curious about certain hole results from the exploration drilling, so I took a gamble and called the office late Thursday to see if I could get some answers. Was pleased to get put right through. I had a chance to speak with Wes for less than ten minutes and was grateful to get the chance. Being away the last 2 days and unable to sit down to post this until now... is my summary of Q&A.

"Great Looking Targets" a phrase repeated to me three times.

Our discussion mainly centered around the recent results and the exploration program. The "Road" issue and "Mine of the future plans".

The main reason that prompted me to call was the results that were given to us for the southwestern-most drill holes. 190, 193 & 197. Two of which had no significant results and one (hole 190) that showed only .66 g/t gold. No associated minerals like copper that are usually found with intrusive related gold or any other sulphides reported in this hole for that matter. What type of host rock? What could be prompting them to head right back to drilling this area. A new gold zone??? No significant results in the other holes......... really?

My question - With these results why are we starting the winter drill program at the Western complex around AT8? I had reminded him that when we last spoke he alluded my question made pointedly about AT8 and targets to the sothwest. I expected nothing less than the typical explorco CEO response, for which I settled on:

"Great looking targets" - identified intrusive zone - new knowledge from down hole geo.

Why the need for 3-5 holes at Thunderbird?

"Large identified drill target will help compile data to further understand the T-Bird deposit" Starting with drill hole to West and then to the Northern most extension.

How many drills this winter?

2 drills for the entire Winter program.

Did he feel any more confident in the provincial government building him the permanent road from Pickle Lake to Webequie since the last time we had spoken?

"There are many stakeholders in the ROF that could benefit but mostly for the First Nations..... and we remain optimistic."

Noront seems to be taking a new appoach with hiring Penguin (mining robotics) and Diagnos (artificial intelligence)?

" We plan to use technology to build a world-class mine at Eagle's Nest, one that is safe, environmentally friendly, and above all, a model for new mining methods in Canada."

How will the drill budget be spent for the winter?

Half the costs will be incurred at AT12, other split on regional "great looking targets" and proximal to the Eagles Nest Complex.

Noront needs approx. 80km of transmission line from Webequie to the Eagles to get things started. Is this something that is being prepared for the feasabilty and would this study be out in the near term?

" Of course..Still in the early stages and completion is a ways off yet."

I was happy to end the call with an invite to call again. He stated that he is "accesible" contrary to what people might be saying about him...... among other things.

Things seem to be developing quite nicely on all fronts and as many on here suspect, the provincial government can really kick start things with a 300km road (450M $$). Until then we aren't "under the radar"...... the radar is OFF.... but it won't be long folks.

Springtime could produce a few new Canadian millionaires this year..........a few on this board positioned to benefit.

Is it anymore comforting to know that some day robots will be busy mining PGE's under the JBL.........until the day they form a union....that will really mess up the SP!!! LOL :)

Best to all,


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