Noront Resources

High-grade Ni-Cu-Pt-Pd-Au-Ag-Rh-Cr-V discoveries in the "Ring of Fire" NI 43-101 Update (March 2011): 11.0 Mt @ 1.78% Ni, 0.98% Cu, 0.99 gpt Pt and 3.41 gpt Pd and 0.20 gpt Au (M&I) / 9.0 Mt @ 1.10% Ni, 1.14% Cu, 1.16 gpt Pt and 3.49 gpt Pd and 0.30 gpt Au (Inf.)

I had advised Wes to take a look at Northern Sueperior since all geological indicators show they had Gold that curved up to the Northwest -as Morris called the belly of the ring. There were plenty of properties still unclaimed.

At the very least, I hoped he would discuss the findings and apply to analysis of Noront ore. I suspect in the end Noront will be so much more then a nickel prospective play. I think Morris' view was unique and today proved accurate. He was forced by their partner to drill in locations that did not match his theory -wasting money. Finally, when no ore was discovered, he took over drill loctions and drilled in a more northwestern area of the ROF, where he believed lay gold ore.

Mac had praise for Morris and seemed to like him as a geo and his integrity. I was hoping Wes would talk to morris as well -if only to balance Wes' own geological theories with a fresh prospective.

It would benefit Cliffs , Richard, Peter, Wes, Thomas, Ian, Patrick, Mac, and Jim to put their heads together in one room for a number of reasons:

1) how can we combine services to cut costs and waste,

2) which geological facts or theories have been withheld from NR and discuss them,

3) observe each other's properties and comment,

4) since everyone will be utilizing Crone geophysics, can they collectively bargain a deal,

5) Since everyone seems to be drilling deep, what crew has proven most successful or talanted at the tweaks needed to avoid breakage. Can this crew coach the rest?

6) THIS IS MOST IMPORTANT. We need to hire some large firm that know how to promote to the large shareholders. Each Jr. seem to have small ineffective IR firms. There's got to be a way to go to the next level. There should be no reason for Noront to be sub $1 or FNC to be at .50c. Each company has ore. Cliffs has demonstrated that ROF's isolation should not be a cause of concern.

7) The PDAC will be fast approaching. From what I've observed, individual booths seem to reduce the largess of a company to car salesman-like pitchmen as everyone of the thousands of booths seems to be just on the verge of a catalyst. What I propose is a massive united front of ROF companies united under a large banner, or several banners in each booth, all in a row. Granted there may be different objectives: Cliffs and Wes wants to produce, the others want to sell. However, as shareholders, I think we want a major to enter and buy us all out. Collectively, ROF needs to demonstrate more ore. Critical at our massive unified ROF banner for the march PDAC are two things: 1) pipe and all season road access maps and proposed contracts 2) FN representatives supporting the education and jobs ROF companies will bring to the territories.

ROF may be 2 to 5 years down the road, but many multiples due to consolidation await investors along the way. It is not in shareholder's interests for jrs to waste resources, when what's critical above all else, above traditional jr isolationism, is more ore. Any shared information takes jrs closer to that catalyst.


This is more directed at FNC. The advantage of investing in a jnr is it is small enough for you to become intimate with. You invest in them, they earn your trust. I've been told by Smith that traditional jrs don't give dividends. In Noront's case, traditional jrs don't offer CEO's million dollar paychecks (I did not vote for that, did you?). In FNC's case, traditional jnrs don't have multiple properties each with possibilities of 50million payouts ($1/share). ROF companies that don't get bought along the way need to payout dividends or distribute shareswaps of sold lands. If Noront expects us to wait many years for production, they need to payout dividends along the way. This means they need to aquire properties in addition to ROF. For Fancamp, it's time to break tradition and turn heads in the mining world.

In US econony there is capital gains tax advantage to holding more then a year. Iis there is Canada? Holding long with a company takes investor sacrifice. Dividends and shareswaps could allow us to hold long without selling then reentering later, becoming a short holder.

It's within all of our interest for ROF companies to break tradition and discover mutual benefits of sharing info.


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