Noront Resources

High-grade Ni-Cu-Pt-Pd-Au-Ag-Rh-Cr-V discoveries in the "Ring of Fire" NI 43-101 Update (March 2011): 11.0 Mt @ 1.78% Ni, 0.98% Cu, 0.99 gpt Pt and 3.41 gpt Pd and 0.20 gpt Au (M&I) / 9.0 Mt @ 1.10% Ni, 1.14% Cu, 1.16 gpt Pt and 3.49 gpt Pd and 0.30 gpt Au (Inf.)
Re: Junk
almost 14 years ago
in response to crazytrade's message

ive been hearing that if i want to buy shares itll have to be from u and ur not selling for much higer prices blah blah blah - guess what, i can buy 200k shares right now for under a buck - who would of thought 6 months ago when you were saying, if u want my shares....u get the point. Im not a basher, Im just fed up with NOT and its BS - is that ok?

See the problem with posters as yourself is you cause others to lose lots of money - always saying its going up, dont sell, hold tight, blah blah blah.......well since ive been here in 3 years NOT has gone from 80 cents, to today its at 95 cents - 3 years and lots of people bought in the 4,5,6 dollar range.

Why is it that when someone posts they are sick and tired of a stock and are not happy with its mgmt team, they are labelled a basher, but when someone posts "this baby is gonna be $5 by Xmas" - they are labelled an informative poster?

I dont hold NOT, I have a stink buy order in the 70s, if it hits, great, if not, great.

Good Luck and wish all NOT holders millions of riches and millions of dollars.


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