Noront Resources

High-grade Ni-Cu-Pt-Pd-Au-Ag-Rh-Cr-V discoveries in the "Ring of Fire" NI 43-101 Update (March 2011): 11.0 Mt @ 1.78% Ni, 0.98% Cu, 0.99 gpt Pt and 3.41 gpt Pd and 0.20 gpt Au (M&I) / 9.0 Mt @ 1.10% Ni, 1.14% Cu, 1.16 gpt Pt and 3.49 gpt Pd and 0.30 gpt Au (Inf.)
in response to packsackman's message

Smith said he's not going after Chromite. Obviously if Probe's SP increase were chromite related and Cliffs showed interest, that might change. However, Smith maintains that Cliffs has enough. He thinks money spent on Chromite is wasted money. He's neither chasing chromite at C-2 nor at C-1.

Right now, Wes has got to focus on the next step. Not infilling, but doubling our current ore through a second cropping of nickel or extending E-Nest.

Now I'm hesitant to mention rumors from ever-widening ripples of knowledge from we second-tier users. I'd mention things I'm hearing Wes may or may not be planning to do sooner or much later, which might or might not be based on inside knowledge or my own assumed calculated direct or inferred insights from what wasn't said after asking leading questions that result in legally unrevealing responses that both give no material information yet reveals much inferred material information.

I still don't understand who Noront believes their competition is that leads to withholding info. It's not like Fancamp will out-compete Cliffs interest in nickel. Even when FNC hits nickel, both companies benefit. So, lets assume Wes has held some hole info for about say 2 1/2 weeks that could really increase NOT ore (note: assume), there's only one group that benefits from lack of transparency -whomever is oversupplying the shares to drop SP and aquire. In this case, the OSC could work in the retail's favor by going after any large shareholder shenanigans. If Wes were witholding info, then we know our CEO is in league with these players. If he is I either feel unjustly stepped on or wish I were his friend with large shares. The next NR will reveal much, assuming the NR reveals good discoveries and drill dates aren't fudged.

As I write, I realize their is one reason to withhold info, that is if Noront is afraid of a Major's interests. Cliffs put the bullseye on ROF, if it hadn't been there before. Noront has the largest land holdings. Cliffs will be developing infrastructure. Many majors may just be waiting to see if there could be a nickel mine as well as a Chromite mine. One e-mail with a person in Xstrata said theoretically Eagles-nest does not occur alone. However, since ROF hasn't found another E-nest, a major isn't going to step in until they know who the ROF players are. This makes sense. Wes stop slowing the momentum. Peter, what are you doing at C-2, get over to C-1. Ian get some money already from your gold properties and get holes into the ground -come on Halo is .50c.

I want Smith, Ian, Wes to get together in one room with their respective geologists and a computer. If Wes has withheld info, share it with the other CEO-s. There shouldn't be any info competition. There is too much of the geological story under the ROF properties that is not understood to spend millions on only part of the picture. This is retail's millions as we are part owners of these companies. Would you spend a million on a house that has had an inspection on only a third of the foundation? Yes it costs money to get the picture. More reason to share info between companies. How will Noront's backers feel once FNC blows by Noront from their Iron interests? the time for isolationism is over. They should be sharing camps, rigs, crew, info, data, offices (if they were in the same city).


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