Noront Resources

High-grade Ni-Cu-Pt-Pd-Au-Ag-Rh-Cr-V discoveries in the "Ring of Fire" NI 43-101 Update (March 2011): 11.0 Mt @ 1.78% Ni, 0.98% Cu, 0.99 gpt Pt and 3.41 gpt Pd and 0.20 gpt Au (M&I) / 9.0 Mt @ 1.10% Ni, 1.14% Cu, 1.16 gpt Pt and 3.49 gpt Pd and 0.30 gpt Au (Inf.)
over 14 years ago

After testing the waters at 1.22 and settling at 1.30 i have to say...

I am loving the sp right now and would be quite happy to see it well below where it is now, in fact i will pick up all I can during this extended news vacumn in a crappy market.

So….what’s happening here folks? What’s going on? Where are the bits at? It has been quite some time since the blockade was lifted, big drill on site and drilling began, rumors of a hit, who hit?? Big Sue or Fancamp?? Time is ticking by and soon we’ll know the rest of the story.

In an encouraging development, Probe is going to be doing VTEM on the McFaulds west anomaly across the sea of blue on the mag image

and 4 km north of Eagles Nest

( should have been joint ventured with NOT, maybe will be in the future) as well as it looks like on the JV side of things we are once again back at the JV just 400 m’s north of the Nest. beginning Crone/ Squid geophysics on those claims, been there done that?? What new info has prompted this move?? Are we going after the platinum and palladium found back in 08’ ??

From the Oct 08 news release….

“The preliminary assay results for the McFauld's West core samples are very encouraging and suggest that the peridotite on the McFauld's West property has the potential to host PGE mineralization. The Company is encouraged by these metal results from only a limited sampling of the peridotite and, owing to the difficulty in identifying PGE mineralization through visual observation, believes there is a strong possibility that the PGE mineralization is more widespread. The presence of PGE also provides encouragement for other metals, such as nickel and copper, in the host peridotite. It is important to note that the peridotite has only been drilled to a maximum vertical depth of 120m, and the potential for additional mineralization at depth remains high. The discovery was made approximately one kilometre northwest of the Eagle One high-grade nickel-copper PGE sulphide deposit which has a reported estimated resource (indicated) of 1,834,000 tonnes averaging 1.96% Ni, 1.18% Cu and 5.1g/t combined platinum, palladium and gold”.

I along with many here have often thought that they did not go deep enough. Time for some deep drilling, nice tell in the recent release of having access to a (peace signs on both hands) “Big drill” I see a re-entry drill program coming. Most nteresting and encouraging stuff, no?

I have always been one willing go out on a limb and put to paper my non-geologist theories as to what’s transpiring with the drilling at McFaulds and thought I would share my latest thoughts and theory on the progression of drilling.

AT 12, we have had a drill there for some time, this bodes well imo as it reeks of successful exploration, they are onto something but until someone pops a leek in the container holding this assay vacumn, we wait. It would be even more encouraging to see another drill deployed to assist in the definition work,

Speaking of other drills, our vertically challenged Johnny, June etc. have most likely been drilling the crap out ( by Mother hole and wedges) of what use to be known as lenses B and C and what used to be known as the “conduit” between them to further define the deposit and thus hopefully increase tonnage.

Meanwhile back at surface we have a much more depth capable drill that was put over top of 49 for extension below the known mineralization, now making up pipe and tripping in to bottom would take a crew a half shift at the most and drilling would commence, onward and downward we go, check the calendar it’s May 20th today and they have been going at it for some time including Big Drill #2, plenty of time to have brought a whack of core to surface and time for buying by insiders, I have no doubts that 49 would have encountered more mineralization below known especially if the Nest deposit continues below as above.

Also imo there has been plenty of time to have used this same 49 extension ( now a Mother hole ) to test Jeremy’s “convergence zone” theory by wedging off. (shown in blue on black) I have utilized a slide from the May 10th New York presentation to illustrate.

Should the drill bring to light evidence of convergence….be it more platinum/palladium…oh let it be, let it be more…”At this stage it appears that the high grade platinum and associated platinum group elements are coincident with and likely controlled by an extensive structure which is steeply dipping and intersects the Eagle's Nest deposit. Future infill drilling at Eagle's Nest will specifically target other portions of this structure within the deposit.", we can expect a radically altered drill program no doubt.

Meanwhile back at surface with the horseflies and mosquito’s, Big drill #2 (name?) is most likely using NOT-09-070 and looking for more of the same found in NOT-09-071 W1.Again, the PGE’s.

Are we after that elusive “river” of pge’s…imo YES, and so much more.

Even the recent mention of the plan to test JJJ to 3kms overall in the New York presentation is encouraging.

Another encouraging development ,Yes, it’s hard to believe but Fancamp has been drilling for awhile now, several holes reported as complete, core out, little to no movement in the sp….vacumn again…tight holes! My guess is when alls said and done FNC will find the chromite extension which lies smack between the Blackbirds and Big Daddy deposits and maybe some nickel and PGE’s. Who know’s, maybe the drill will hit come up with large pentlandite crystals? Should FNC get a great intercept, shareholders would be instantly pleased no doubt as the stock would rock and roll for a bit with only 44 million shares out there.. Wish I could by NOT at .40. Don’t you all?

Curiouse that Cliffs has not announced further exploration work on the former FWR claims, it would be nice to know just how deep the river of chrome actually runs and more specifically what’s beneath it or running parallel to it, but it may be a cold day in hell before Blackthors’ drilled again. There’s nickel at F2 off the tip of Black Label but wait a minute, that must come from AT12 right?

Cliffs must have other things occupying it’s time theses days though…cough..cough ahem…Big Daddy….cough. Hmm. We have a JV with PRB on Black creek, just for the heck of it, what are the odds of getting SPQ’s portion of Big Daddy away from Cliffs?? At least we could start a bidding war which would surely result in an increase in sp for all the Spidymites out there and there are a lot of em as is evident by the recent RS goings on. IMO, Perhaps its time for Neil Novak to spin off all claims exclusive of Big Daddy to protect the rest of its uncharted claim blocks in the ROF, some of which lie smack on the RFI.

We have got about 10 high priority targets identified for future drilling and I wonder if one is perhaps just north of our (oddly missing on the Noront website projects/all projects tabs with exception of the ROF Viewer) Thunderbird Vanadium/Titanium deposit on the PRB JV claims? Come on Wes, let us in on just what and where the targets are.

By far IMO, the best encouraging development imo is this little tidbit.

Our piece of the shareholder's pie still shows retail at 39% and Institution at 59% but i've got a sneaking suspicion they may have more.

This little tidbit from the May 10th New York presentation is nice.

"Eagle’s Nest remains open to depth with
excellent potenaal to double drilled depth"

It was very nice to get Hoov's feedback on his recent trip into ground zero at the Eagles Nest, this has helped solidify my stance on my investment here.

Does everyone remember the "Walmart" slide??

One stop shopping, it's clearly evident the 20 + kms zone which encompasses all the hugely rich deposits from the Blackbirds to the Thunderbird will eventually be one of if not the richest polymetallic mine site in the world.

. Just want to extend an early Victoria Day greetings to the hardworking folks up at McFaulds working away to the buzz of the bugs and the scream of Big Sue and her brother and babies while they plum the depths in and around the nest.”


Not pumpin, not bashin, just sayin....


PS...Go Habs!!! ok, i can dream can't i....

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