Noront Resources

High-grade Ni-Cu-Pt-Pd-Au-Ag-Rh-Cr-V discoveries in the "Ring of Fire" NI 43-101 Update (March 2011): 11.0 Mt @ 1.78% Ni, 0.98% Cu, 0.99 gpt Pt and 3.41 gpt Pd and 0.20 gpt Au (M&I) / 9.0 Mt @ 1.10% Ni, 1.14% Cu, 1.16 gpt Pt and 3.49 gpt Pd and 0.30 gpt Au (Inf.)
in response to IAMSUDBURY's message

Various answers to various questions....a proxy error ate my previous attempt, and I'm a tad frustrated. Grrr..

"Are you comfortable with your inverstment HOOV, or better yet are you more comfortable now after your return?"

More comfortable.

"What is your take on the BOD current actions going forward?"

Very businesslike. Their timeline is long term, but the returned attention to regional exploration is hopefully going to recapture some of the exploration valuation excitement, rather than leaving us in the pre-feasibility shareprice doldrums.

"Here's the question everyone will be asking. Are you still gungho with Not,and were the other vistors impressed with what they saw, and heard."

There was alot of excitement throughout the day, but after we got back on the plane, we each had a beer and fell asleep. As a result, I didn't get anyone's summary impressions.

"Did the subject of the rarer precious metals (Rhodium stc. ) surface during the visit?"

I spoke for a good while with Jim Atkinson about the PGEs. He was particularly excited about the visible sperrylite (platinum arsenide) crystals visible in some of the core (70W2?). The platinum crystals were secondary (remobilized) deposits, and the hope is that there is a rich source nearby. I'm sure that's one of the prospective drivers for the deep drill program at Eagle's Nest. He also commented that the average PGE grade at Eagle's Nest is better than that of Magma Metals, which is billed as a PGE play. (I did not verify that assertion, however.)

"Another question,can you disclose who was on the trip with you."

From Noront: Jeremy Niemi, Joanne Jobin, Wes Hanson, and Glenn Nolan. There was a 2-man film crew from BTV. And seven others, all analysts, whose names and affiliations I am not able to disclose. One would have to hope that increased coverage will be a good thing.

"Are we expecting from now until the winter program to be all eagles nest?The other targets will come when?Winter program as well?"

No, the Regional Exploration Program should be underway this month. Its budget is one and half times that of the Eagle's Nest program, which itself covers three drills doing infill, and the two deep rigs. Now, some of the regional work may best be conducted after freeze-up (the budget runs through to next March), but it's premature to predict which work will be done when. Exploration programs evolve. They don't progress from a script.

"It does not sound like the triple J zone was to exiting ."

I don't know how anything I said could lead to that conclusion. The sheer fault zone hosting the gold is largely unexplored, with the best geophysical signatures being returned by the unexplored prospective strike extension. The drilling to date was not designed to probe the dimensions of the gold deposit, either. It was discovered by accident, after the fact. There's a lot of upside potential there. Hopefully, they'll put the analysts' presentation online, as there is an excellent image from the recent mag program, delineating the target.

" Since NOT has a very significant stake in the drilling results for nickel on this JV land that is so close to Eagle Nest, I was wondering if there was any mention on your trip about NOT possibly letting PRB use one of their drills."

I'm sure that Probe and Noront are coordinating their exploration programs, as they are equal partners in the work. That said, Probe did not come up in any of our discussions that day. Drill availability is not privileged information, and would be available from the drill contractors themselves.

“Do you really believe they are going to mine?”

They are planning to mine. Whether they are going to is not yet known.


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