Noront Resources

High-grade Ni-Cu-Pt-Pd-Au-Ag-Rh-Cr-V discoveries in the "Ring of Fire" NI 43-101 Update (March 2011): 11.0 Mt @ 1.78% Ni, 0.98% Cu, 0.99 gpt Pt and 3.41 gpt Pd and 0.20 gpt Au (M&I) / 9.0 Mt @ 1.10% Ni, 1.14% Cu, 1.16 gpt Pt and 3.49 gpt Pd and 0.30 gpt Au (Inf.)
in response to MaCloud's message

When I look at a statement like below I just shake my head and wonder,

World nickel prices are averaging $10/lb this month, as compared with $4.40 last March, because of increased demand from stainless steel producers-particularly those in China.

Lets look at this objectively. On Apr. 3 2009 Noront closed the day at 74 cents. We know nickel has increased in value by a factor of 2.27, or 227 percent. So if Noront were just in the same trading range today as it was in the economic low, it should be about $1.68. On Friday it close at $1.67. Noront has since come out with a resource of the Eagles next expanding it to 3 times it's size and one would think 3 times the value(based on nickel alone). So give or take a little, Noront, based on the doom and gloom scenario of the world economy one year ago should today be at least $5.00.

Now remember those who would soft bash Noront would say something like it is going to cost a fortune to bring infrastructure to the area, and they would put it all on the shoulders of Noront. Oh did I mention Cliff's has bought Freewest and plan to bring infrastructure to the area(next door) to have a chromite mine up and running within 5 years. Did I mention that the Ontario Government has mentioned the ROF and it's development in their Throne Speech and budget. Sounds like they may be helping in some capacity to get this thing going as well. Hmmm I guess Noront will no longer be bearing the burden of development all on their own. Hey did anybody give us back this value in our share price, "not".

Oh ya and did you know that in Dec of last year Noront produce a 43-101 on chromite that would likely give a value in the neighbourhood of 5-10 billion dollars. But of course we could not add that into Noronts present share price value.

Yes and let's not forget Triple J that was identified in Oct 2009, this of course would not add value because there is not yet the important 43-101 that is the only thing that could give this zone value, according to those who love to soft bash.

I have simply tried to point out what we know since April of 2009 and how there just does not seem to be any recognition of these "facts" in Noronts valuation.

One last point. Even with all that is known, where is Noronts share of "speculation". My goodness, we still have the promise from AT12, Eagle II, Thunderbird, triple J, both Eagles Nest and Blackbird are open at depth and length, and a huge land package that has barely been touched.

Just call me a pumper, but my shares are not being sold anytime soon. I'll be watching this stock for a little longer yet.

I should be reflecting today on the most important day in the Christian calender but here I sit(okay the wife is at work).

Keep the Faith(and in NOT too)

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