Noront Resources

High-grade Ni-Cu-Pt-Pd-Au-Ag-Rh-Cr-V discoveries in the "Ring of Fire" NI 43-101 Update (March 2011): 11.0 Mt @ 1.78% Ni, 0.98% Cu, 0.99 gpt Pt and 3.41 gpt Pd and 0.20 gpt Au (M&I) / 9.0 Mt @ 1.10% Ni, 1.14% Cu, 1.16 gpt Pt and 3.49 gpt Pd and 0.30 gpt Au (Inf.)
House Positions
Exch House Bought $Value Ave Sold $Value Ave Net $Net
7 TD Sec 124,950 192,720 1.54 68,500 106,338 1.55 56,450 -86,382
2 RBC 45,680 70,664 1.55 17,700 27,617 1.56 27,980 -43,047
52 Sandfire Securities 15,000 23,025 1.54 0 15,000 -23,025
99 Jitney 46,400 71,714 1.55 32,200 49,667 1.54 14,200 -22,047
9 BMO Nesbitt 15,450 23,941 1.55 4,400 6,776 1.54 11,050 -17,165
81 HSBC 6,500 9,880 1.52 0 6,500 -9,880
80 National Bank 14,000 22,078 1.58 7,600 11,899 1.57 6,400 -10,179
68 Leede 4,000 6,200 1.55 0 4,000 -6,200
124 Questrade 2,000 3,050 1.53 0 2,000 -3,050
12 Wellington 10,000 15,250 1.53 8,100 12,393 1.53 1,900 -2,857
57 Interactive 850 1,317 1.55 0 850 -1,317
6 Union 113 172 1.52 330 509 1.54 -217 337
14 ITG 0 2,000 3,140 1.57 -2,000 3,140
59 PI 0 2,000 3,140 1.57 -2,000 3,140
19 Desjardins 1,000 1,540 1.54 3,100 4,868 1.57 -2,100 3,328
5 Penson 0 2,500 3,875 1.55 -2,500 3,875
71 Brant 0 5,000 7,656 1.53 -5,000 7,656
25 Odlum 0 6,763 10,414 1.54 -6,763 10,414
33 Canaccord 2,000 3,140 1.57 13,000 20,060 1.54 -11,000 16,920
85 Scotia 43,300 67,245 1.55 54,300 83,732 1.54 -11,000 16,487
1 Anonymous 15,800 24,523 1.55 32,000 49,258 1.54 -16,200 24,735
79 CIBC 31,700 48,922 1.54 119,250 184,039 1.54 -87,550 135,117
Total 378,743 585,381 1.55 378,743 585,381 1.55 0 0
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