Noront Resources

High-grade Ni-Cu-Pt-Pd-Au-Ag-Rh-Cr-V discoveries in the "Ring of Fire" NI 43-101 Update (March 2011): 11.0 Mt @ 1.78% Ni, 0.98% Cu, 0.99 gpt Pt and 3.41 gpt Pd and 0.20 gpt Au (M&I) / 9.0 Mt @ 1.10% Ni, 1.14% Cu, 1.16 gpt Pt and 3.49 gpt Pd and 0.30 gpt Au (Inf.)
in response to superspeeder's message

You posted,

"Assuming NOT gets >34%, what obligations would NOT have to NOT and FWR shareholders as far as disclosing any FWR share purchases? Could they go on to accumulate shares in the background without letting anyone in on it? Would it have to be made public?"

Try this on for size. You KNOW that Noront BOD is literally in bed with the big fellas on Bay Street, Pinetree, Roseau etc. Now, who do you think that Noront is buying all these Freewest shares from??? You guessed it, these big institutions that are in the know with Noront...

Now for the icing on the cake... Can anyone tell me how many shares Roseau, Pinetree and any other institutions that are "running Noront" will have come December 11th???

Great guess??? ZERO. From 9% (the level just below the 10% level where disclosure is required by LAW) to 0%.... Now, if Noront leaves this blow over and all Freewest comes up with is more chromite, where do you think that the share price will go in January, especially after the Cliffs bid is negated???

RIGHT AGAIN!!! It will likely go DOWN! Now for the final question on the test... Who do you think will or can start to accumulate shares in Freewest as the shareholders realize that they will not get their payday for a very long time and start flooding the market with all those shares they bought thinking that they were in for a Merry Christmas, or at least a superbly Happy New Year, thus making an over abundance of Freewest shares available, hence driving the share price down?????

YOU WIN!!! Roseau, Pinetree et el will now hold ZERO shares of Freewest and will probably start shorting the pants off of Freewest and drive the share price down to it's former level somewhere and then start accumulating those shares all over again, just to tender them to Noront when the next attempt to get 67% is all ready to go....

WOW, what a conspiry theorist I am today :-} I'm almost proud of myself for coming up with that one... LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL

Now, I am just laughing myself silly thinking that I could figure out what those masterminds in Toronto may be thinking... I have to stop typing for a minute because my stomach is hurting........................................

OK, reality check here... I have heard it mentioned that Freewest just may do a few more or even one more private placements, or "attempt" to do a private placement with cliffs to give them the upper hand concerning percentage of shares held..... Now, this would have to be done very quickly before we get to the actual bidding for the plays in the ROF by someone who just may give us a realistic bid for the realistic value in the ground... I don't know for sure, but it sure smells like the end game is in sight. I always remember at the beginning of this investment that the end game would come when we reached $10 billion worth of metal in the ground, that making us a "major econically viable entity" that would bring the majors around with cheque books in hand... I wait to see if that is true, because I believe that we will be at that valuation with our Eagles nest in the first quarter of 2010, as stated by the planned release of an updated NI 43-101 on all of our "NEST". This is when I believe we will be well above our $10 Billion figure and hopefully have the majors bidding on us. We should have a "ton" of other work completed by then as well, permits, infrastructure commitments by various levels of Government etc. This all adds to the value of the eventual takeout of our company by a major, as the more work completed by Noront, the higher insitu value can be demanded by any takeover. That is what I have been told.

So, whatever happens, happens. I think it is going to look like it is happening faster and faster as we go into this new year... First, the NI 43-101, which will add ZERO value to Noront as it is "PUNY", "DEEP" and "NOT WORTH MINING" when compared to Freewest's Chromite bodies (yeah, right, if that don't make you laugh, then I GIVE UP TRYING TO MAKE YOU LAUGH!!!!!). Then comes all this "hidden" news that we "all know is coming in this snowstorm of flurries of news releases". They have to let us know sooner or later if they found anything over at AT 12, or deeper around the Eagles Nest, I think :-{ They just HAVE to. Like some other poster mentioned, why did Fancamp fly up on the initial release of information (not publically, of course) after hole 49 was drilled and other holes were drilled to "do B-HEM Geophysics" so that Noront could see what was down in the earth??? Don't forget, Fancamp DID find massive sulfides on their property, somewhere around 2 - 300 meters deep... 1-2 meters thick, remember??? I DO, because those 1-2 meters of massives cost me a small fortune when the results came back and the stock price tanked like a javelin dropped into water with the heavy pointy side down.....

Well, here is to the Noront BOD knowing what they are doing, and having a plan in place that will make us all a bit wealthier, and before I die, I might add :-} .

God Bless all Noront Shareholders.


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