Noront Resources

High-grade Ni-Cu-Pt-Pd-Au-Ag-Rh-Cr-V discoveries in the "Ring of Fire" NI 43-101 Update (March 2011): 11.0 Mt @ 1.78% Ni, 0.98% Cu, 0.99 gpt Pt and 3.41 gpt Pd and 0.20 gpt Au (M&I) / 9.0 Mt @ 1.10% Ni, 1.14% Cu, 1.16 gpt Pt and 3.49 gpt Pd and 0.30 gpt Au (Inf.)

Dear Noront Shareholders,

I’d like to first begin by thanking everyone for their contributions within the AGORACOM community and the Noront HUB.

We built the AGORACOM community for the free flow of information, ideas and thoughts between serious retail investors. The great news is that Noront shareholders have taken to this concept like fish to water. While we know that the AGORACOM model is not perfect and not without its faults, we still believe that the AGORACOM model is the best one around. It is a work in progress and always will be as we try to evolve with the needs of our community members.

We realize that the system can never be perfect as we as individuals are not perfect. As such, sometimes logic and rationale can take a back seat to emotion. It can happen to the best of us.

We typically like to let our micro-communities set their own standards, which means giving the community some latitude to decide what is and what is not acceptable. However, our “6 Rules of Use” remains the backbone to Peace, Order and Good Governance on AGORACOM.

We (AGORACOM) would like to apologize for not acting sooner to enforce our “6 Rules of Use” more strictly. This is turn has led to the accumulation of clutter and confusion on the discussion forum.

That being said, going forward from this point on (and 48 hours retroactively – some older posts will likely be deleted as part of this sweep), we will be strictly applying our “6 Rules of Use”:

1. PROFANITY - Swearing or use of foul language is strictly prohibited… in any language (We have 42 interpreters on staff to keep an eye on those International members). For the record, ##$!#&% or any combination thereof is considered profanity.

2. DEROGATORY COMMENTS TOWARDS OTHERS - Calling another member an idiot, clown, stupid, dumb, moron or ##x%x# for brains is strictly prohibited.

3. OFF-TOPIC OR IRRELEVANT COMMENTS - Yes, nobody can believe what happened to Turtle on Entourage, or that Monica Lewinsky took a job at the Kremlin, or that Romo dropped the field goal snap and crushed Cowboy fans everwhere. However, this is not the place to discuss TV shows, politics or sports… O.K. maybe a little sports.

4. SPAMMING OR CLAIMS OF INSIDER INFORMATION - Enough said… unless your brother in-law really is Michael Dell’s chauffeur.

5. BASHING OR HYPING – Unsubstantiated claims of grandeur or impending doom are best left to Nostradamus as they will cost you some valuable points towards your rating. Also included in this category is repetition of the same question, fact or opinion over and over after a response has been provided or if there is currently no ascertainable answer.

6. Caps lock and use of !!!!!!! - NOTHING AND WE MEAN NOTHING IS MORE AGGRAVATING AND ANNOYING THAN READING A POST THAT LOOKS LIKE THIS!!!!!! IF YOU HAVE SOMETHING TO SAY, IT DOESN’T BECOME ANYMORE NOTICEABLE WHEN YOU TYPE IT IN CAPS!!!!! IN FACT, MOST PEOPLE TEND TO IGNORE THESE KINDS OF POSTS!!!!... Exceptions will be made for those deserted on a deserted island (with a kick ass internet connection) and sending out a distress signal, or anyone who invested in WorldCom, Enron, Tyco, Nortel, Webvan, or Sideware and needs to freak out every year.

Personal attacks will be deleted on the spot … NO EXCEPTIONS … and this may lead to the termination of your account. Please focus on the topic and not the poster.

Anything that is deemed “Off Topic” will be moved to the “Off Topic” discussion forum. As a point of clarification, the overwhelming majority voted and considers Freewest discussion to be on point so Freewest discussion will be allowed on the main Noront discussion forum until the majority of the community decides at some future point that Freewest is no longer relevant.

These rules will be applied equally to all and there will be no favoritism shown to anyone.

We are always open to suggestions and appreciate any help you can offer in helping to monitor the site by reporting any possible violations.

Thank you once again for your participation and for helping to make AGORACOM the premier destination for small–mid cap companies and investors.


Paul K

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