Noront Resources

High-grade Ni-Cu-Pt-Pd-Au-Ag-Rh-Cr-V discoveries in the "Ring of Fire" NI 43-101 Update (March 2011): 11.0 Mt @ 1.78% Ni, 0.98% Cu, 0.99 gpt Pt and 3.41 gpt Pd and 0.20 gpt Au (M&I) / 9.0 Mt @ 1.10% Ni, 1.14% Cu, 1.16 gpt Pt and 3.49 gpt Pd and 0.30 gpt Au (Inf.)
almost 15 years ago

Freewest Resources Canada Inc., Spider Resources Inc., and KWG Resources Inc...

posted on Nov 16, 09 12:02PM

Freewest Resources Canada Inc., Spider Resources Inc., and KWG Resources Inc., Provide Drilling Update on the Big Daddy Chromite Prospect

- Strike and Depth of Big Daddy Chromite Prospect expanding to northeast and beyond 250 metres depth

- Hole FWR-09-43 encounters 93 metres of chromite mineralization, including 76 metres of Massive Chromite

MONTREAL, QUEBEC-(Nov. 16, 2009) - Freewest Resources Canada Inc. (TSX VENTURE:FWR)("Freewest"), Spider Resources Inc. (TSX VENTURE:SPQ)("Spider"), and KWG Resources Inc. (TSX VENTURE:KWG)("KWG") are pleased to provide an exploration update on the drilling at the Big Daddy Chromite property. Since starting the current exploration program on September 23, 2009, twenty drill holes totaling 5,776 metres, have been completed and two more holes are underway. These holes have continued to expand and delineate the Big Daddy Chromite prospect (a magmatic chromium deposit type) along strike and to depth. The total amount of drilling in the current campaign is estimated to be 11,000 metres in 28 drill holes, designed to test the entire geophysically inferred strike length of the Big Daddy prospect on the property to a depth of +/- 250 metres at an optimum drill density of 100 metres, being the depth and density for a preliminary pit optimization review.

Drill Program

Drilling has progressed significantly since the last report of October 14, 2009, when holes up to FW-09-31 were reported up to and including section 2000 metres East. Originally, holes were spaced at 100 metre stations along lines 200 metres apart, but now spacing has been tightened to 100 metres by 100 metres. Two of the newly reported holes were drilled on Section 2100 metres East, thus extending the strike length to at least Section 2100 metres East (see drill plan Drilling continues to successfully encounter chromite mineralization in each section. Since the start of the project in 2006 chromite mineralization has been established between section 900 metres East to and including section 2100 metres East, for an inferred strike length of 1300 metres thus far. Drilling will continue to explore the chromite mineralization towards the northeast, where faults are interpreted to have offset Big Daddy from the Probe "Creek Zone" and Freewest's "Black Thor". In addition, drilling has commenced on a coincident magnetic and electromagnetic anomaly, that straddles the border between the Big Daddy property with four claims held by Freewest due north of the Big Daddy Property.

Assay QA/QC protocol

Samples are continuously being sent out for analysis and are being tracked through a chain of custody process from the time they leave the base camp at McFaulds Lake until they arrive at the laboratory, then during the analytical process that involves preparing the samples at Actlabs facility in Thunder Bay, Ontario through final processing at their facility in Ancaster, Ontario. Once final assays are received from the lab, the analytical results (including the labs internal quality control data) are reviewed and processed by an independent Quality Assurance, Quality Control protocol established at the onset of the program. Once the QA/QC process is completed, the final approved assays are entered into a master assay data file where the results are initially compared to the lithological record for each drill hole and then weighted averages are calculated over appropriate core lengths. Averages will be reported once the final results for a complete hole are available. At present there are no complete holes with assays to report.

Summary of Drill results (since last report)

-------- ----------- ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ -------------------
DDH ID Completed Line Sta # Az. Dip Length Mineralization
(m) Highlights
-------- ----------- ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ -------------------
FW-09-32 Oct 15 / 09 21 E 1850 N 150 50 291.5 93.7 - 97.0 thick
beds massive Cr in
180.9 - 186.0
Massive Cr
(5.1m Cr)
186 0 - 206.6
beds massive Cr in
-------- ----------- ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ -------------------
FW-09-33 Oct 20 / 09 15 E 1800 N 150 50 267 195.0 - 205.6
Massive Cr (10.6m
207.6 - 221.0
Massive Cr (13.4m
-------- ----------- ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ -------------------
FW-09-34 Oct 18 / 09 14 E 1900 N 150 50 468 315.6 - 315.9
Massive Cr (0.3m
334.0 - 351.9
Massive Cr (17.9m
354.5 - 360.0
Massive Cr (5.5m
383.0 - 415.3
Massive Cr (32.3m
-------- ----------- ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ -------------------
FW-09-35 Oct 26 / 09 16 E 1800 N 150 50 429 348.0 - 356.5
Massive Cr
(8.5m Cr)
365.0 - 398.6
Massive Cr (33.6m
-------- ----------- ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ -------------------
FW-09-36 Oct 17 / 09 15 E 1700 N 150 50 192 9.8 - 19.5 Massive
Cr (9.7m Cr)
24.9 - 28.5 Massive
Cr (3.6m Cr)
33.0 - 38.0 Massive
Cr (5.0m Cr)
47.65 - 96.0
Massive Cr (48.35m
-------- ----------- ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ -------------------
FW-09-37 Oct 20 / 09 13 E 1700 N 150 50 171 100.0 - 114.0
Massive Cr (14.0m
-------- ----------- ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ -------------------
FW-09-38 Oct 29 / 09 21 E 1900 N 150 50 423 263.0 - 266.0
Massive Cr (3.0m
372 - 378 - Massive
Cr (6.0m Cr)
388.2 - 388.8
Massive Cr (0.6m
390.55 - 398.0
Massive Cr (7.45m
-------- ----------- ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ -------------------
FW-09-39 Oct 31 / 09 17 E 1850 N 150 50 328 119.1 - 137.8
Massive Cr (18.7m
-------- ----------- ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ -------------------
FW-09-40 Oct 31 / 09 17 E 1750 N 150 50 175 81.8 - 83.6
Massive Cr (1.8m
87.4 - 102.2
Massive Cr (14.8m
-------- ----------- ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ -------------------
FW-09-41 Nov 10 / 09 17 E 1950 N 150 50 490.5 262.5 - 265.3
Massive Cr (2.8 m
319.6 - 320.5
Massive Cr (0.9m
353.7 - 356.1
Massive Cr (2.4m
441.0 - 460.4
Massive Cr (19.4m
-------- ----------- ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ -------------------
FW-09-42 Nov 6 / 09 19 E 1750 N 150 50 133.5 8.0 - 24.5
disseminated Cr
24.5 - 35.9 thin
intermittent Cr
-------- ----------- ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ -------------------
FW-09-43 Nov 13 / 09 19 E 1850 N 150 50 330 224.5 - 243.0
Massive Cr (18.5m
243.0 - 260.0
intermittent Cr
260.0 - 317.5
Massive Cr (57.5m
-------- ----------- ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ -------------------
FW-09-44 in progress 18 E 1950N 150 50
-------- ----------- ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ -------------------
Abbreviations: Cr (chromite)

True widths of the chromite mineralization have yet to be determined, as this is typically done once the geometry (attitude, dip, strike) of the mineralized body is determined. The systematic drill pattern as planned is designed to better understand the Big Daddy Chromite Prospect along its entire strike length at regular intervals, as the chromite mineralized intersections are quite variable due to the geological nature of the intrusion. Once the current program is completed, an estimate of true width will be provided. At the current rate of drilling, it is anticipated that the field portion of the program will be completed in early December.

Qualified Persons

Spider's VP Exploration James Burns P.Eng., along with Neil Novak P.Geo., President of Spider, have prepared and reviewed this press release, both of which are Qualified Persons under Canadian Securities Guidelines.

About Freewest

Freewest is a well-financed mineral exploration company. It is actively exploring for gold, base-metals and chromite within eastern Canada. Corporate information can be accessed on the Internet at . Freewest's shares are listed on Tier 1 of the TSX Venture Exchange under the symbol FWR.

Neither the TSX Venture Exchange nor its Regulation Services Provider (as that term is defined in the policies of the TSX Venture Exchange) accepts responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release.


Freewest Resources Canada Inc.
Mackenzie I. Watson
President and CEO
(514) 878-3551 or 1-888-878-3551
Fax: (514) 878-4427

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