Noront Resources

High-grade Ni-Cu-Pt-Pd-Au-Ag-Rh-Cr-V discoveries in the "Ring of Fire" NI 43-101 Update (March 2011): 11.0 Mt @ 1.78% Ni, 0.98% Cu, 0.99 gpt Pt and 3.41 gpt Pd and 0.20 gpt Au (M&I) / 9.0 Mt @ 1.10% Ni, 1.14% Cu, 1.16 gpt Pt and 3.49 gpt Pd and 0.30 gpt Au (Inf.)
What? & Why?
almost 15 years ago

.....What does NOT really want from FWR? and why now? Until we get the answers, especially to 'what', then we're all just guessing.

Do they want from FWR:


-Ni/Cu.....some found and JV to drill soon(Ihope)

-PGE's.....more driling & more assays

-PM's......some strong hints of Gold(in the ROF)

-consolidation for

-chrome market

-control of the RING by eliminating the competition

You can continue to expand this list I'm sure....but that's enough to make my point, which is that we don't know a whole lot about NOT's motivation and timing.

Tons of great posts and information and speculation have been posted during this 'non-offer'. Lots of pressure and persuading going on in both directions. But are we really any closer to being able to see thru the fog?.....maybe you are, but I'm not.

so....this is where I still stand.....I am against this deal/offer with NOT. Here's why.

-the more someone wants what I got(FWR), the more wary I become.....I am on 'Red Alert'

-I need to hear from Mac & FWR board, and to hear why my(FWR) shares are worth more than this NOT opening non-offer.

-I really want NOT and FWR to drill like hell and show us 'ALL' the results in a timely manner......where's the assays NOT.....please let the drills talk!

-I don't buy the consolidation effort as an 'economy of scale'. FWR or NOT possibly could go it alone on the chrome(or with JV partners) and supply North America for a long time. The 'Scale' is already there.....more chrome will not bring the cost down.

-the culture of NOT. This is a huge issue for me. They treat their shareholders like crap, right up until they need them. Their history tells the story of how they make money...and boy, do they make money!....Just ask the shareholders of ARU(Aurelian)....they will be grinding their teeth for a long time. The long time posters that support the NOT BOD and post continually about how they're(BOD) going to make us lots of money(after all they have done this before)(and we should give them a chance) need to give their heads a many chances at integrity do you get.....ignore history at your peril. I am, and have been, into NOT because of the compelling geology.....that is still there. My only fear is that NOT will hit it big and we as shareholders won't get our due.

-the culture of FWR. This is also a huge issue for me. Mac has consistantly treated their shareholders well. Plans are in the open, visuals and assays are forthcoming, QUC was good for FWR and shareholders individually....and the phone is always open. They are explorers and good at it.....they have experience and enthusiasm. My kind of team.

.....I own NOT and FWR and feel at this time that we(FWR & NOT) would be better served by staying independant...for now.


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