Noront Resources

High-grade Ni-Cu-Pt-Pd-Au-Ag-Rh-Cr-V discoveries in the "Ring of Fire" NI 43-101 Update (March 2011): 11.0 Mt @ 1.78% Ni, 0.98% Cu, 0.99 gpt Pt and 3.41 gpt Pd and 0.20 gpt Au (M&I) / 9.0 Mt @ 1.10% Ni, 1.14% Cu, 1.16 gpt Pt and 3.49 gpt Pd and 0.30 gpt Au (Inf.)

I want to share a pm i sent to another forum leader in response to the recent happenings on the board. but first a preface to it..

Can you say " eye of the storm "..... we are in it now, first we had rumor of 49's phenomenal potentially trippling, hit the streets, stock began to rise on very large volumn and we ran to 3.00 and change for abit, we got our news release like we wanted with the "usual" High Grades, the board was a whirl of old times, lots of posting going on, well now that leading edge of the F1 has gone by us, winds calmed down and so has the sp and volumn while we wait for news confirmation 50/51, and the huge step out, other than that of Dundee's printed word. The Luncheon is right around the corner and hopefully will be much more productive in the provision of information of our Companies direction, we may also be gifted prior to the luncheon with a step out release.....who knows, one things for sure is that as large as this eye of the storm is, the storm itself has been growing to F5 proportions while we sit and bicker out the calm and brace for the leading edge.

Wes has his work cut out for him, my only hope is that he writes his own speach and speaks his own words and treats the forum shareholders present with the utmost respect.

Now, on to the PM, name removed of course...

XXXXXXXX, don't fret the small stuff, your pms are always welcome here. "board clutter", a subject that I love to hate, lol.
XXXXXXXX, this board has been through the same types of organized,counterproductive attacks by shorts and bashers,and heck even the ultra soft basher"regulars", that the "minor" disturbances are just that, difference is that some get more pissed at it than others, some have more tolerance than others and some have learned the ability to look at the next post in line and not click on one that comes from known crap disturbers, funny that most of the complainings coming from the regular longtime folks that have been given the tools to deal with these types of disruptive posts, problem is that there's differences in interpretations, differences in opinion, differences of formulated thought as to how the forum should run.
In my opinion it should run exactly as it was designed to run once it became our responsiblity to make it a great place to be, a great place to learn, a great place to form contacts with fellow shareholders, a great place to garner some not readily available due dilegence through the most useful of tools, most under used tool of them all, the PM.
When I first started out here in the mailroom you got 6 posts a day or something like that and you knew that in order to get the ability to get more posting capabiliaty and hub controls you had to contribute to the forum in a constructive, informative, post worthy way designed to get a few points to take you to the 750 point level....Treasurer! I remember the feeling of accomplishment well.
Time has moved on and this forum's been under attack numerous times, each and every time the members have stepped in and shut em down, banned them, made em go straight, what ever the case the boards been a great place and yes subject to disturbia from unscrupulouse sources, i believe it was Rosedale once said that it a "good sign" when the bashers show up. We are very tolerant of the so called "friend" one line posts from newbies and we should'nt be, my belief is that regardless of the past requirements Agoracom should mandate that the first post to the board be one of introductory transparency to give oneself an initial welcome to the board. From this introductory post we have on record the posters background, newby, longtime investor, or whatever, we then have a benchmark by which to gauge a posters true colors with. I have been dilegent as a Hub Leader and have done my share of processing violations, it works and will continue to work if people continue to flag and people continue to process, but most importantly the gate keepers of the day to day posts on the forum must keep up the good work. Yes it gets frustrating to see bash posts, but honestly show me a forum on Ag or anywhere else for that matter that runs without hiccups, it impossible to make happen, the forums a dynamic living organism of personal thoughts put to key and screen and we will never have it completely clean of clutter, we need to resign ourselves to that and just keep on keeping on.

We are doing good work.

We are running the forum to the best of our ability.

If we were'nt, this place would be stockhouse, not Agoracom.
You can share this if you like.

Proud to be a Gate Keeper.

Ok, that's all i have to say on the subject of board clutter and hopefully things will clear up a bit, but we need to not let the gaurd down, especially once it starts getting a little bit hot here aboard the NOT Hub.

Been doing some thinking as to just how far out from 49 is 350m and just what direcitonal input can one get from playing around with cirlcles. lol. here's a jpg. of a circular 350 m step out, now then the question, which way, given previous drilling information, would you if you were in control of the drill program....step out from 49 and drill????



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