Noront Resources

High-grade Ni-Cu-Pt-Pd-Au-Ag-Rh-Cr-V discoveries in the "Ring of Fire" NI 43-101 Update (March 2011): 11.0 Mt @ 1.78% Ni, 0.98% Cu, 0.99 gpt Pt and 3.41 gpt Pd and 0.20 gpt Au (M&I) / 9.0 Mt @ 1.10% Ni, 1.14% Cu, 1.16 gpt Pt and 3.49 gpt Pd and 0.30 gpt Au (Inf.)


Good morning to you all . i've been a newbie to this board for the last month and a half and bought a few shares prior to the board warrants allotment , so igot my shares cheap . I decided to get in based on the quality of the information available here and i must admit some of the board leaders greatly impressed me both with their analysis as well as to the info they were able to gather outside the usual NR available .

I don't have the sophistication required to understand all the subtilities that are reported here yet it's a great forum to acquire more knowledge and it's helping me to grow my understanding regarding my other investments in general as well as to better understand the mining industry not to mention some other investment ideas i acquired here from people mentioning other stocks i've started to follow since . Whatever happens with NOT i believe this forum will be of great help to me in the future both as a shareholder of NOT as well as an investor .

As for this particular investment the way i see it the sequence of news to come in the next few weeks or months both visuals and lab assays should create another build up of expectations and considering the recent news i can hardly believe it won't put another upward pressure on the SP for that period of time , that's why i did'nt want to sell my lot fearing i would'nt be able to get back in .

To me the $20m PP at $2.80 is a sort of insurance policy that the SP belongs there be it this week or in a not to distant future , i figure those guys must have done a thoroughly DD before putting this kind of money in a non producing junior and maybe as some suggest they might have had some " reassurance by manadgment " over a drink or a coffee about some info that's not yet available to this board , and that's OK with me since i would need that kind of ressurance if i were to get involved that deep myself with that kind of money . I believe we all know this kind of behavior is standard procedure even though it fringes on the boarder of legality , that's the world we live in anyway.

My worst case scenario is the SP will come down a little further maybe down to $1.80 but then again the way i see it nearly 70 million shares were traded between $1.50 and $2.50 though i admit i did'nt make the count accurately and that's an estimation, but 70 m shares are nearly one third of all shares outstanding fully diluted even with recent PP , another thing that reinforce my confidence is it seems to be overalloted as reported here and the PP did'nt include any warrants wich should be attractive to would be investors when comes the time to build a mill or for would be buyer in the eventuality of a TO .

In any case being in brings me back here daily and and it's like being back to school learning on a subject i have a passion for .

One more thing on a more personal note i will admit that people like Glorieux Hoov Semismart Edgy Old joe Lord of fire and Macloud to name a few ( i regret i can't remember so many other relevant posters) have brought me to decide on investing here more then my own DD but i take full responsability on my own decisions this is no game to me .

Regards Tec !

PS i hope this won't be regarded as off topic if so i'll try to be more relevant next time .

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