Noront Resources

High-grade Ni-Cu-Pt-Pd-Au-Ag-Rh-Cr-V discoveries in the "Ring of Fire" NI 43-101 Update (March 2011): 11.0 Mt @ 1.78% Ni, 0.98% Cu, 0.99 gpt Pt and 3.41 gpt Pd and 0.20 gpt Au (M&I) / 9.0 Mt @ 1.10% Ni, 1.14% Cu, 1.16 gpt Pt and 3.49 gpt Pd and 0.30 gpt Au (Inf.)

This is my way of having fun. Yeah I know, find a life. Lies, avoidances, and innuendos are fun. You should've have seen me during US pres debates. Note his complete avoidance of a News Leak, implicating knowledge unrevealed. Probably because a large company like Pinetree can't afford to be implicated in insider trading. Also, does the market suddenly catch on in a 20 million trade in one day for a micro? -sg

BNN 7/30/09

Commodities: July 30, 2009: top mining stories and Barrick earnings.

Transcript: BNN speaks with Craig Stanley, analyst, Pinetree Capital

BNN: We’ve been talking about this week s big mining earnings, so now lets talk about the winners and losers of the sector. Armed with his picks. Were back with Craig Stanley of Pinetree Capital. Lets start with the Noront, why did you pick this as one of your topics.

CS: it’s just been interesting to watch of late. It’s a company exploring for nickel and copper up in Northern Ontario.Back in late June they released visual results of a hole they were drilling.they that seem to indicate they could triple the known size of the depositthat they have up there. The thing is though, the stock didn’t move. This is great news and the stock didn’t move for a total of 12 trading days.All of a sudden then, the market seemed to have pick it up and I think it’s up 250% since then.

BNN: they had a bit of a delay at the beginning.

CS: it’s a great question, it’s one of those things that you have to wonder how efficient are markets. I meant there was a 12 day delay here between releasing what were amazing results. Now I want to keep in mind, that these are not assay results. These were official results. They said, hey we have this much sulphides, over these widths. But considering what was in the camp at the time, these are phenomenal results. The market didn’t seem to care. It just traded sort of flat. The market’s gotten wind of it now. It’s come out now. The ahh…we’re (shaky-knows something he didn’t want to say -probably about hole 51, 52 leak) waiting for assays, which I think are expected next week(s), (disjointed) from that hole.

BNN: And how well capitalized are they?

CS: Ahh,you know (stalling, he knows –probably already heard that they are) I wouldn’t be surprised if they came into the market here given how ah how high the stock is run. They should have around 10 million in cash by the end of the year. But still, given how high the price is, why not come to the market (his rapid speech shows this is something he wants and knows a lot about and feels confident about. He wants it and will profit in this environment).

BNN redirects to Evolving Gold.

BNN: redirects to East Asia Minerals.

CS: [edit-Earlier stages then Evolving Gold and Noront]. Again, sort of a Noront story in the fact we had this delayed reaction. In early June they come out with some great early indications of what they might have. Again, in the beginning of the July they come out with even more results. The market sort of just hemmed and hawed. And all of a sudden now, the stocks ticking up. I think it’s up around 130%, since ahh, over the past month.

BNN: Do you think that’s a reflection of the change in risk appetite in the market right now? I mean a few month ago, n-nobody was even looking at these names, despite the ah, you know, (trepidation) despite the results that they were reporting. These days it seems like some of that a-appetite is coming back into the market.

CS: Oh, ahh, definitely -yea. I mean you can see just on the TSX Venture itself, ahh, y,youve seen a run up of a lot of these companies. (voice elevated near end of sentence. Probably not comfortable in directing to other companies outside of the next sentence).Ah, again, though, we want to focus a lot on the companies that ha-have results. Something like East-Asia. Etc…on East Asia. Redirect to other companies.

BNN: [Redirect on risk on companies in Indonesia ]

BNN: Which brings me to my next question, I mean, when you are talking about a company like Evolving Gold,and East Asian Minerals, (and NORONT) are these just exploration stories, eventullygoing to be bought out, or partnered up with a large miner that will go in and exploit those assets.

BNN:Well, I mean, that’s the hope when you buy these things. That they can find a great deposit that suddenly comes in and just buys them straight out. Now that’s still remains unseen. I mean these are still early stage stories. [redirect back to East Asia].

BNN: (redirect to Questerre Energy Then Canadian hog industry)

End of Line

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