Noront Resources

High-grade Ni-Cu-Pt-Pd-Au-Ag-Rh-Cr-V discoveries in the "Ring of Fire" NI 43-101 Update (March 2011): 11.0 Mt @ 1.78% Ni, 0.98% Cu, 0.99 gpt Pt and 3.41 gpt Pd and 0.20 gpt Au (M&I) / 9.0 Mt @ 1.10% Ni, 1.14% Cu, 1.16 gpt Pt and 3.49 gpt Pd and 0.30 gpt Au (Inf.)
in response to yangzhh's message


I too have respected your posts and welcome your suspicions.

Those who have known me since I bought my first share of NOT at .185 in November 2006 know that I offer my thoughts on the company and also investing in general. I have worked hard to maintain my credibility over the years and could have easily used this and other forums to make money at other's expense. It is against my ethics to do that as well as my other beliefs such as the golden rule.

I post here for the same reason many do. To write out my thoughts. Share information. Release the occasional frustration with the stock price. And maintain faith during the good times and seek clarification during the bad times.

I never used to talk about my trades as it was a private matter. But having personally witnessed many of my friends and family lose a small fortune on this stock after I made a small fortune, I felt it best to be honest about where I am at at any given time with my Noront holdings. I do not maintain private investment forums for insiders only. I do not have an email membership list I communicate with. Outside of the occasional stockhouse posting, most of my thoughts are communicated here for everyone to see. What you see is what everybody gets.

But they are honest thoughts, observations, high level trading details, and the occasional screwball to get people talking.

I will admit this type of openness does not appeal to all people. When I discussed my thoughts of Richard voluntarily stepping down as CEO in August 2008, I was burned at the stake by many on this board for treason. I felt my reasons for wanting to see him leave at that time on his terms were valid and these were written without emotion, but with the backdrop of the reality that managing a $1B market cap (at the time) company brings with it. To see him ousted in the manner he was in November was no vindication, but one of the saddest months of my investing life. It could have worked out much differently and we may have avoided the proxy scar that exists.

I am a retail investor who loves Noront but also knows that Noront can be like a bad lover who constantly breaks hearts. I have witnessed NOT investors hold 250,000 shares of Noront at an average of .40 cents for two years (2004-2006) only to sell them for .16 cents weeks before they went to $1 later that year (and $7 a year later).

I have seen my coworker buy shares in December 2006 and hold them for two years at an average of .70 cents. He watched it go up to $7+. And he watched it go down to his final sell price of .75 cents earlier this year. A five cent profit having held and never sold over a two year period.

I sell and I am labelled a basher. I buy and I am labelled a pumper. Such is the territory.

There are times I have come on here and stated that one would be crazy not to load up at these prices. Canseco can vouch that I said this in August 2007 when the stock was trading under .40 cents. And again recently when the stock hit .64 cents from its average of .80 cents that month. All who were able to buy are happier today.

But those in the past who listened and held and held and held and never sold saw the stock go up to $7 and fall back down to .46 cents and recently return to $1.40. The rollercoaster ride during that time would make anyone but an airforce pilot's stomach turn, and like many I am not an airforce pilot. I sell when I want to sell and try to buy low. Most of the time it works which is why I enjoy investing.

The only purpose for stating I have sold some of my shares is to remind people that one can only make money by eventually selling. It is not treason to sell. It is not a sign of a lack of faith. It is covering off some risk and exposure which is what we all face as soon as we hit the "buy" button. It would be interesting to take a poll and learn how many people who bought in before August 2007 have never sold a single share since then. Are these people to be commended as patriots and hall of fame diehards? Or do we feel compassion at their roller coaster nights with the questions of "what if" and "if only" when we see today's share prices ($1.30 is nice but still a laugh at what this stock was worth when nickel was selling at $15-25).

My point in my post today is that anybody who bought at .64 cents and sold half received free shares this year. Plain and simple. If you bought at .64 cents and kept all today then that will be a wiser move then I made today should this go higher next week. If this stock drops next week than it will be a less wise move. Everyone will do what they will do in the end.

They key is that sometimes people need to be encouraged to make a move, as many of those who watched this go to $7 and froze while the stock dropped below $1 can attest to. Maybe it is too early to sell today, but the .64 cent cheapies just doubled and that represents a return of the initial ante and the ability to play with an equal amount of chips "on the house".

In my opinion this is the best place to be playing from. With free shares.

Have a great weekend all. Keep it real.


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