Noront Resources

High-grade Ni-Cu-Pt-Pd-Au-Ag-Rh-Cr-V discoveries in the "Ring of Fire" NI 43-101 Update (March 2011): 11.0 Mt @ 1.78% Ni, 0.98% Cu, 0.99 gpt Pt and 3.41 gpt Pd and 0.20 gpt Au (M&I) / 9.0 Mt @ 1.10% Ni, 1.14% Cu, 1.16 gpt Pt and 3.49 gpt Pd and 0.30 gpt Au (Inf.)

Anyone read the Art of War?
Or any other books of tactics...

#1 (May) Close South mine without any hint or notice. Then lay off non union workers in a public manner instil a general sense of fear.

#2 Cut off, control, filter and limit communications between parties with knowledge.

#3 (May) Announce that you will send workers on an 8 week shutdown and tell your employees they have to take their vacation starting June 1st.

#4 Limit holiday changes to the 25th of May, and then send the entire payroll department on leave and/or layoff so no changes may occur.

#5 Extend strike deadline to a period after majority of people have exhausted their holiday period. Leaving most people on stressed economic terms prior to a strike.

#6 Keep most senior workers working during lay-off. This helps divide the workforce. The contract appeals to a worker with 25 years or more.

#7 Send personal notices to every employee of the website and then post a proposal document in pdf format and website "tab's" to restrict full and entire access to the proposal. P.S. 75% of 20% is 15% of your regular earnings. They link it as “As promised, here is the full text of the settlement proposal that we have provided to the USW.” and yet it is only a 9 page document. A far cry from the real deal, or the full document.

#8 Effectively end talks at bargaining table, but report to media and on web among other thing that they are still available to talk.

#9 A major player in company announces to Global Media provider that Sudbury Operations are not viable, more fear looms in the air for Sudbury. Workers have to be nervous now. More Staff are laid off in human resources, the health and safety and environmental departments. People must be on the verge of panic now.

#10 Lay off more workers the day before votes are to begin instilling more fear in the workers. These lay offs could have waited. This game is all about timing. Do you not think next Thursday would have been appropriate.

When you vote who do you think is going to be the winner. Anyone who thinks they can break Vale by a strike is not fully informed. This has been a carefully planed sequence of events. We are pawns and nothing more. This company has think tanks and gurus who have planned this for over a year. Anyone who thinks all of the above is a coincidence of un-happy events needs to re-evaluate what they know.

P.s. The lovely website Vale has created
is a product of Out of Ottawa who is a workhorse of ( Fleishman-Hillard who is a part of Omnicom Group. Omnicom Group is a strategic holding company that manages a portfolio of global market leaders.

Just FYI incase anyone thought some lonely clerk posted that stuff on the web yesterday....

P.P.S. Fleishman-Hillard has been around since world war two.... You can see their work in the old black and white films you saw in school on how marijuana makes you psycho and murderous. (Bad example? See their work; PR before and during the Vietnam Conflict in the USA)

They are currently described as to rank among the largest concentrations of PR talent on the planet, and to handle a wide variety of consumer, business-to-business and corporate clients."
8.7 million for USA Federal P.R. last year...

To anyone who thinks that Vale has not done their homework...think again.
Vale is paying THE BEST PR company in the world to manage these issues and their conduct

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