Noront Resources

High-grade Ni-Cu-Pt-Pd-Au-Ag-Rh-Cr-V discoveries in the "Ring of Fire" NI 43-101 Update (March 2011): 11.0 Mt @ 1.78% Ni, 0.98% Cu, 0.99 gpt Pt and 3.41 gpt Pd and 0.20 gpt Au (M&I) / 9.0 Mt @ 1.10% Ni, 1.14% Cu, 1.16 gpt Pt and 3.49 gpt Pd and 0.30 gpt Au (Inf.)

The question Why??

Good Day all Notters’, looks like the NOT train has come off the roundabout on a slightly different track, all i can say to this latest tactic by the BOD is “Wow” sure hope you feel good about yourselves now.

My take on this, “be mindfull here though as this is just my opinion”, the underlying disease we have here is the systemic greed driven contempt for the retail shareholder by the all “hedge” funds. Name of the game is to quite simply screw the little guy out of his shares, well here’s some news for you Paul and Joe et all....


The thing one must never do when planning malicious, conniving, deceitful, underhanded future actionable tactics against an enemy (retail ) is to.... not do your due diligence.

NEVER UNDERESTIMATE THE ENEMY! Never underestimate its RESOLVE, Now then , Let me see if I can kind of lay it out how it all went down and how we got under your skin so bad.

Buying into Not was strategic, give you that, now, but not near as strategic as getting yourself implanted within the very company targeted as the next best quick buck for the hedgies. I believe the term i am looking for here is “ MOLE “. Now then, as a hedge funds pushing your buttons and filling the pockets your very instrumental in passing along needed information to the “Hedgies” yes?? Hedgies looking at this beauty of a Junior in Noront Resources thats got one hell of a gold find that could choke and elephant and a 43-101 on Nickel worth north of 2 billion, your collective gears start to turn driven by greed factor(your sickness), you and your boys quietly behind closed doors hatch this Proxy Plan to oust the NOT board and more specifically Richard Nemis but to do so you know full well you would need the help of some other large shareholders that are perhaps just as driven by greed as yourselves.

I can imagine that having a briefcase full of geotech information it was easy to lay it out to your prospective block share targets, i would imagine you boys had them frothing at the mouth with visions of grandeur bouncing in there heads. At this time below the border the all hell was getting ready to break loose in the financial sector , but of course like all the rest of the greedy hedge funds yours was no different in completely missing all the signs. I would venture to say that had you known the markets were heading for a melt down and you would not be able to pull off the fast deal there’s no way you would have proceeded with the Proxy, rather you’d have sat this one out for awhile waiting for the markets to rebound, but smarter heads prevailed and you ventured forward driven by your sickness.

Meetings were held with alot of backslapping, glad handing and probably at this time a little smoke was being blown up someones arses to get them onboard, the end effect, no matter what your team told these block shareholders was successful enlistment of shares to your cause. I’ll bet in hindsight you wish you’d held off for a bit. Ok, you’ve got what you suspect you’d need for the proxy to be a successfull event, you send out releases stating all sorts of untruths about the BOD at the time, you send out proxy forms to some shareholders but not all, your calls to shareholders routed through an inept call center were classic, your dissident statements were misleading and completely false and you know it but old man greeds pushing you right.. at this time in the greed game you’ve got a bunch of other monkeys on your back, powerful ones expecting a successful proxy action to infiltrate the BOD with your own self serving greed interests, takes nerves of greed to do your work doesn’t it? The numbers start coming in and are not looking good are they, your scared crapless as you’ve been keeping a close eye on Agoracom’ s Noront forum and you bear witness in black and white the power of retail investors when they are challenged, now i believe at this point you aren’t so sure of yourselves anymore and are not sleeping well at all. Cell phones are ringing off the hook in your holsters, the “Boys” are getting nervous and are calling to check the numbers, numbers you can’t give them because you’ve no idea how the votes are going, numerous under the desk phone calls from mr. Hedgie and his nervous investors “boys”, Got to be careful now , all eyes on you now got to keep up appearances as being neutral and not in concert, not in conflict, not in cahoots, not criminal and certainly not underhanded, But your good at it right you’re trained up and battle ready and have been acting in the above without suspicion to date, right? Business as usual, game on “boys”. Can’t sleep can’t eat, nervous beyond description, at this point in the game the holy grail (the illicitly self granted options ) beckons your senses, damn phone won’t shut up, people are starting to notice, votes? No idea , damn this is unbearable, damn those retail shareholders, if it weren’t for agoracom this would have been the slam dunk we promised the “boys”, damn, damn, damn, all hells gonna break loose if this fails. If its the last thing, we need to get rid of retail!

Meanwhile the numbers still are not evident that you’ve got a slam dunk , and its probably about the time you pull Richard aside and play your good friend part and with your skulduggery suggest that perhaps its best to make a deal , a compromise on the BOD as you have crunched the numbers and it’s going to be really close, this is the last chance to deal Richard, whats it going to be?

Deal, and the snakes dance in the house.

Now, in the back of your mind you’re smiling your a$$ off but must maintain that sad and forlorn look for appearances sake, hmmm , i’ll have to order up that new desk right away. Lol. You smile as Richard leaves and retreat under the desk dialing those very numbers that have been scaring the crap out of you for a month or so as fast as you can. JJ on speed dial gets a call too. Numbers keep coming in and still not sure about the outcome are you, still biting your nails when no ones watching, still got Agoracom up front and center on the big screen looking for any information about how the retail phone campain is doing, amazingly well eh, heh , heh, heh. Long story short here folks......supposedly, yes, supposedly we lost this round, perhaps a forensic examination of the actual voting would confirm or deny.

The answer to the question why....simple


Paul knows this and you all need to know it well , had we one more week to continue campaining we would have put these “boys” out to pasture. It’s as Clear and Concise as that. That you can take to the bank.

Now then just what have you gotten yourselves into here, damn this is going to take up a ton of your time now isn’t it. Fill the BoD with a few cronies and get on with the business at hand. Nice to see you boys can donate at least 2 days a week to running the company 24/7, 365. Now where’s those option workups we did, lol. Retails sure not going to like this, to bad there’s nothing they can do about it. Nice to have such an obscene amount of options at such a ridiculously low price. And to think you did’nt have to do a damn bit of work to get them. No doubt that the OSC and the SEC are taking a long hard look at that part of your game.

Times they are sure tough eh “boys” , not a lot of money around these days eh, and most hedgies have been virtually crippled to non functioning state. A lot of them are running for the exits as the witch hunts are starting to heat up, offshore accounts are being scrutinized, assets seized and frozen in time and you’ve just taken control of a company with a very active RETAIL Group that is just not going to go away easy. So as you know Your actions since Proxy have always been suspect with RETAIL, don’t you just love that word! Lol. Now don’t pull out your hair. Can’t you just make a few calls to those bags you’ve got sitting in the house’s that do your beck and call and have them put the squeeze on retail, bounce a few million shares around between 3 or 4 houses to make things interesting and shake retail out, all the while accumulating the shakes, heck you can even turn off the information machine so nobody knows jack right.

You best make sure those same “boys” are still on board because we RETAIL are NOT.

Retail gave you the benefit of the doubt, Retail are not giving anymore.

This play of ours has moved to center court in full view for all to see. This has become so much more than just another mining play to make a quick buck on here boys, this has moved into the political arena complete with all the rights and encombrances that go along with it. We Retail shareholders will spread the news if you won’t and we will educate the world about Noront Resources and the Ring of Fire, as you were obviously hoping to keep it as quiet as possible, too bad, NOT going to work.

Judging by the past 150 posts i now know what pisses the NOT Retail (there it is again P, that word)RETAIL!!!!

You do.

So go ahead make a few calls to your regular houses and squeeze Retail , spend a few more million trying to shake us out, good luck.

Oh and P , on the off chance that my above opinion is wrong, i’ll bet it’s not far off now is it.

There’s been an awful lot of great posts post George’s announcement , thanks to all for laying out their thoughts for George, i’am sure its just what he needed. Nice to see some old posters return and voice opinion. Just to let you know George if you read this i thank you from the bottom of my heart for all your help and support over the years with all thats NOT. You are one of a kind Sir George. Thank you.

So then, on with the game, whats next “Boys” ??? Assays maybe.

How about NOT RETAIL Shareholder Consolidation, the NOT Investment Group LTD.

Best Regards Always


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