Noront Resources

High-grade Ni-Cu-Pt-Pd-Au-Ag-Rh-Cr-V discoveries in the "Ring of Fire" NI 43-101 Update (March 2011): 11.0 Mt @ 1.78% Ni, 0.98% Cu, 0.99 gpt Pt and 3.41 gpt Pd and 0.20 gpt Au (M&I) / 9.0 Mt @ 1.10% Ni, 1.14% Cu, 1.16 gpt Pt and 3.49 gpt Pd and 0.30 gpt Au (Inf.)

To the BoD of Noront Resources, this is a chapter you'll want to read. Because it concerns your performance. Here are the top ten reasons why this Board needs to be changed as soon as possible.

# 10. - Darren Blasutti, formely of Barrick Gold. You'd think that would've helped the Windfall property. In fact, they say it's now a dud. A one hole wonder. What do you mean, like Eagle One ? (TFIC)

# 9. - There are two former Board members on Noront's BoD, that have a recent questionable history. I refer to Patrick F'N Anderson and Keith McKay, former CEO and CFO of Aurelian Resources. Based on this history, neither of these persons are suitable for a membership on this Board.

# 8 - Joe Hamilton, is a professional geologist. Surprised ? Me too. He certainly hasn't come across as one. Slick, would be a better character term for Mr. Hamilton.

# 7. - Paul Parisotto, in particular, has been extremely evasive in all his answers to retail shareholders' questions. To the point of being quite rude on occasion. Not worthy of a CEO position, to be sure.

# 6.- Shortly after gaining power, this Board voted itself a number of stock options. First of all, this should not have been done immediately in the economic climate of that time and secondly, there is very little merit for doing that even now. You have to earn the options, don't you ? So far, I would say that they have not been earned by this Board.

# 5. - In the opinion of many, assays from drilling are been delayed on purpose by this Board of Directors. When asked repeatedly about outstanding assays, the Board claim that they will be released in due course. Due course, was months ago in some cases. Even with time allowed for re-assaying, a number of assays are also overdue.

# 4. - This Board has done nothing of any importance to promote Noront, to the marketplace, at home, in the US and abroad. Other smaller companies in the Ring of Fire, have done far more and consequently, achieved more, in the almost six months that this Board has been in power.

# 3. - This Board has done nothing for Noront's share price. In fact, regardless of the struggling economy, very little has been done by this Board, to address it's falling share price. And since the arrival of this new Board, there has been a stagnating of Noront's share price. You can draw your own conclusions for this, but surely, it should be a concern of this Board. It appears NOT.

# 2. - Canceling the Agoracom contract is a major mistake, by this Board. By doing so, they have, in effect, shutout possibly hundreds of thousands of readers. It makes very little sense, other than an emotional reaction, which should have no place in a Boardroom. And even though it was anticipated by many, due mainly to the personalities and character flaws of this current Board, I am shocked that this was done and in it's place, a more active role is now taken by The FIRM. Just the sound of that name, should scare off many investors, IMO. And their most recent performance at the Noront booth at the PDAC conference, was quite unimpressive and even embarrassing to any Noront shareholder.

And the number one reason to get rid of this Board.......

- Mr Parisooto, you hung up the phone on the wrong guy !


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