Noront Resources

High-grade Ni-Cu-Pt-Pd-Au-Ag-Rh-Cr-V discoveries in the "Ring of Fire" NI 43-101 Update (March 2011): 11.0 Mt @ 1.78% Ni, 0.98% Cu, 0.99 gpt Pt and 3.41 gpt Pd and 0.20 gpt Au (M&I) / 9.0 Mt @ 1.10% Ni, 1.14% Cu, 1.16 gpt Pt and 3.49 gpt Pd and 0.30 gpt Au (Inf.)
in response to AGORACOM-GT's message

First of all I want to thank you George for so articulately describing the issues that made the management drop Agoracom. I didn't realize the company was in such a bad state of finance that they can't keep their retail investment community in the know at all times. Such a waste!!! Such a pity!!! Such a pile of c**p!!!!! As we have said for a few months now...such an expected ploy to dis-communicate from the investment force that wants this company to make it big and are willing to hold "long", and I mean "long" not until he next price jump based on rumour to have hedgies build their nest eggs back up, but long as in faithful to the core shareholders who have been riding this rollercoaster ride for over a year now.

Its nice to see the BOD is finding it in "their" best interests to isolate the body that has made a lot of "unwanted"; not "unwarranted" noise over the last year through this exceptionally moderated forum, from each other and the BOD. It is in "whos" best interest that this comes to pass?? Of course...the BOD. This is leading me to assume a few other things...and yes to those who said be nice, be backside I'll co-operate with these thieves. Maybe we should all sell on Monday and watch the price crumble. Maybe thats exactly what the hedgies are counting on. Maybe......maybe NOT. We're thought of as a bunch of blowhards apparently. Any critisim is considered blasphemy. Any constructive input is considered mutiny. Any comments regarding the way this company was taken over is considered "good business" the new puppet management team. Maybe they should explain themselves and do it so we believe them this time....good luck...not going to happen here..... I'm looking at this puppy being squashed and this BOD being out of here over the next year or two. We'll be sitting on a lot of good investment opportunity frittered away by those who are only in it for a fast buck. Here I go again...and no... I won't rant again. Read past posts to see what I've said or forget I was here. Its the choice of those who read this forum. "Ignore" won't stop me from showing discontent over something that was coming down the pipe with little or no surprise to many of us here. Those who wanted us to be quiet...well maybe you were right. We should never have spoken and that would have stopped this... right!!!!!!!

To the BOD who may or may not be reading this. Get on with your business. Take the company wherever you see fit. There are those on this forum that think you really care if we actually create any wealth with your leadership. All I can say is prove yourselves now or get the frig out of our business. NOT is for all those invested, from 100 shares to a million. We all have a right to make noise when we think things can be handled better. do NOT!!!! Shame...Shame on you. Ooops!!! Sorry...I'm feeling my tongue being loped off right now.

Nuf said.

Long on NOT...only because I'm adament this will be a great find. Its the guys running the show that make me nervous now as to how big that find will pay us when the shirades end.

Have a great March break...and God bless everyone,

Mustangman <I need a golf ball to wack really really really hard right now Stratopod.

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