Noront Resources

High-grade Ni-Cu-Pt-Pd-Au-Ag-Rh-Cr-V discoveries in the "Ring of Fire" NI 43-101 Update (March 2011): 11.0 Mt @ 1.78% Ni, 0.98% Cu, 0.99 gpt Pt and 3.41 gpt Pd and 0.20 gpt Au (M&I) / 9.0 Mt @ 1.10% Ni, 1.14% Cu, 1.16 gpt Pt and 3.49 gpt Pd and 0.30 gpt Au (Inf.)
almost 16 years ago

Freewest Updates Exploration Activity on Its 100%-Owned McFaulds Property, James Bay Lowlands, Northern Ontario

Breaking News for: November 6, 2008
Trading Symbol: FWR:TSX-V


- Hole BT-08-10 testing the Black Thor chromite zone, intersected 69.5 metres of semi-massive to massive chromite mineralization

- Drill hole BT-08-09 testing the F2 nickel-copper zone, yielded semi-massive nickel-copper mineralization over narrow widths

- An additional hole targeting the F2 nickel-copper zone (BT-08-08), encountered two 30 metre-wide chromite zones and a disseminated zone of nickel-copper mineralization

Freewest Resources Canada Inc. (TSX VENTURE:FWR) (the "Company") is pleased to provide the following update on diamond drilling and other exploration activities on it's wholly-owned McFaulds property (the "Property"). The Property, consisting of 4 mineral claims or 1,036 hectares, comprises one of three properties in which the Company is currently exploring, on its own and in strategic joint-ventures in the emerging "Ring of Fire" metal district.

Specifically, the visual results of the last 3 diamond drill holes are reported on in this news release. The location of all drill holes completed to date is illustrated on Figure 1. Results from the drill holes will be released as they become available.

Figure 1 comprises part of this news release and is posted on the Freewest website at


As previously reported, the Black Thor chromite zone has been traced over an intermittent 1600-metre strike length and to a vertical depth of 300 metres (see Freewest news release dated October 17, 2008). The limited drilling testing it indicates the presence of thick zones of semi-massive to massive chromite mineralization attaining true widths of up to 90 metres. Chromite mineralization is hosted within a continuous northeast to southwest-trending ultramafic sill complex consisting of variably altered dunite, peridotite and pyroxenite. Mineralization remains completely open-ended along strike and to depth.

Drill hole BT-08-10 provided a shallow cut of the chromite zone at the 100-metre level, immediately above the mineralized intercept obtained in hole BT-08-01 (centre of the chromite zone intersected at the 200-metre level in this BT-08-01). The details of mineralization encountered in hole BT-08-10 are tabled below.

BT-08-10 116.5-124.5 Massive chromite bands hosted within dunite 8.0
124.5-139.0 Massive chromite mineralization 14.5
139.0-153.7 Semi-massive chromite hosted in dunite 14.7
153.7-161.5 Massive chromite mineralization 7.8
161.5-166.5 Semi-massive chromite in dunite 5.0
166.5-174.2 Massive chromite mineralization 7.7
174.2-186.0 Semi-massive and cumulate chomite in dunite 11.8
Total Width of Chromite Zone 69.5


The F2 nickel-copper zone was discovered while completing hole BT-08-06, testing a coincident conductor and magnetic anomaly defined by the VTEM airborne geophysical survey (see Freewest news release of October 17, 2008). The hole yielded disseminated and net-textured pyrrhotite, pentlandite and chalcopyrite intermittently within pyroxenite, over a core length of 28.8 metres. Such mineralization is clearly indicative of a magmatic massive sulphide style of mineralization similar to that encountered at the Eagle One deposit and the Eagle Two nickel-copper-platinum group element occurrence of Noront Resources Ltd.

Drill holes BT-08-08 and BT-08-09 are step-out holes situated 100 metres to the southwest and northwest respectively, from hole BT-08-06. Both drill holes intersected significant mineralization as summarized below.

BT-08-09 278.4-283.5 Net textured and stringer, pyrrhotite,
chalcopyrite and pentlandite in pyroxenite 5.1
297.0-297.1 Narrow zone of massive pyrrhotite,
pentlandite and chalcopyrite in breccia zone 0.1
300.3-300.4 Stringers of pentlandite and chalcopyrite
in breccia zone 0.1
302.3-302.4 Clast of massive pyrrhotite, pentlandite
and chalcopyrite in breccia zone 0.1
BT-08-08 35.5-72.0 Semi-massive chromite within pyroxenite 34.5
120.0-137.0 Semi-massive to massive chromite 17.0
195.0-223.8 Semi-massive to massive chromite 28.8
353.0-365.5 Disseminated chalcopyrite, pyrrhotite and
pentlandite within pyroxenite 12.5

Collectively, the sulphides encountered in all of the holes completed to date on the F2 nickel-copper zone are appreciably deformed and have likely been remobilized. Such deformation textures in sulphides hosted within brecciated ultramafic lithotypes, suggests that the mineralization is possibly hosted within or close to a conduit. Conduits are prime locales for the deposition of nickel-copper-platinum group element deposits. Copper-nickel mineralization at the site of the F2 zone remains completely open-ended along strike and at depth.

The chromite mineralization obtained in hole BT-08-08 was not expected and its relationship with the Black Thor zone has not been established based on the limited drilling. It likely represents an additional chromite zone hosted in the lower parts of the ultramafic sill or in the footwall to the Black Thor chromite zone. Additional drilling is clearly warranted to test this premise.


Following completion of drill hole BT-08-10, drilling was temporarily suspended for a 3-week period. This short break in drilling will permit the completion of a systematic gravity survey to be completed over both the Black Thor chromite zone as well as the F2 nickel-copper occurrence. Additionally, the gravity survey will cover numerous quality coincident airborne and ground conductors and magnetic highs, thought to be prospective for nickel-copper-platinum group element mineralization. Drilling will recommence in late November and continue up to the Christmas break testing both the Black Thor chromite zone as well as the priority nickel-copper-platinum group element targets.

Mackenzie I. Watson, President and CEO of the Company stated: "We remain extremely encouraged by the early visual drilling results at both the Black Thor chromite zone as well as at the F2 nickel-copper occurrence. The presence of nickel-copper sulphides at F2 even though not massive, demonstrates that we are drilling within a system where magmatic nickel-copper-platinum group element mineralizing processes have been clearly active. We look forward to continued success in diamond drilling".

Donald Hoy, P. Geo. (Ontario),Vice President of Exploration and a Director of Freewest Resources Canada Inc. is the Qualified Person (under National Instrument 43-101) on the McFaulds project and is responsible for the preparation of this news release.

Freewest is a well-financed mineral exploration corporation exploring for gold and base-metals within eastern Canada. Corporate information can be accessed on the Internet at Freewest's shares are listed on the TSX Venture Exchange under the symbol FWR.


Freewest Resources Canada Inc.
Mackenzie I. Watson
President and CEO
(514) 878-3551 or 1-888-878-3551
(514) 878-4427 (FAX)

Bay Street Connect
Michael D'Amico
Investor Relations
(647) 500-6023

The TSX Venture Exchange has not reviewed and does not accept responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this news release.

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