Noront Resources

High-grade Ni-Cu-Pt-Pd-Au-Ag-Rh-Cr-V discoveries in the "Ring of Fire" NI 43-101 Update (March 2011): 11.0 Mt @ 1.78% Ni, 0.98% Cu, 0.99 gpt Pt and 3.41 gpt Pd and 0.20 gpt Au (M&I) / 9.0 Mt @ 1.10% Ni, 1.14% Cu, 1.16 gpt Pt and 3.49 gpt Pd and 0.30 gpt Au (Inf.)
Dr. Jekyll says,
I am in agreement with the opinions expressed on this board today, suggesting we must give the new board a chance to show their colours.
I spent quite a bit of time talking with many different people at the AGM, including Richard, and some people who know him well. Richard made a considerable sacrifice of his own wishes, to achieve the best deal possible for us, the shareholders, and we should respect Richard's opinion of these men.
It is a fact that Richard was able to insist on these directors because of the voting support from the retail shareholders. The vote was close, but we did win. Since it was close, it can be said, without a doubt, that if it wasn't for Glorieux and all who assisted him, we would not be in the position of having 3 new directors, who were hand picked by Richard.
Regarding Rosedale, I have spoken with him and emailed and PMed with him for sometime now, and I believe he is sincere in telling us reality as he sees it regarding our situation and relationship with the market.
I met many of our fine Agoracom board members yesterday. It was a great pleasure to meet and talk with all of you. What an intelligent and well informed group of shareholders. I also had the opportunity to speak with Elaine and Denise from the office, whose help and good cheer always made calling the office an enjoyable time. Dr. Jim Mungall also made him self available and gave some detailed explanations of our assets to a small group of us. He is very optimistic of future discovery possibilities.
Mr. Hyde says,
I am in total agreement with posts today(yesterday now) by Miskealp1, at 12:06 pm, 1:54 pm, and 5:59 pm against a PP at this time. WE DO NOT NEED A PP AT THIS TIME. If one is done at anywhere near the current share price, now, it would be outright theft of value from existing shareholders. Of course I realize we cannot wait until we are nearly out of money, but we are not anywhere near that point. As explained by Miskealp, and several other posters, there are lots of reasons why the share price may improve by the time we need funds, in 4 - 6 months.
What really ticks me off, is this sense of entitlement that these leechs on Bay St. have. When was the last time you went to the track, and saw a horse with great odds, rounding the far turn with a 12 length lead, and you went to that "special betting window" where you can place a bet on a very likely winner? I'm sorry, but bugger off. Buy them on the open market like the rest of us. Oh, that would push the price up? Just like it pushed it down with your relentless selling. Tough! I will never forgive those Sprott mouthpieces who, a while back, suddenly did a 180 turn on us, and started down playing our company's prospects, just to get a lower PP. If, as suggested by a couple of posters today, we may find our sp is held ransome if we don't give the scumbags what they want, then that would be tantamount to extortion and blackmail.
I am also concerned and confused by the impression I got, from events at the meeting regarding Agoracom. Paul Parasotto, I felt, was rude to our fine poster, Milsy1, when he started to ask a question involving Agoracom. Paul snapped at him, saying "this is a Noront meeting, not Agoracom. Also, I'm sure you have heard that George was not allowed in, and the people working the door hassled Scott from Agoracom also. So here is my confusion. We won the vote, partly because of Agoracom's help via our forum, and Richard knows this, and Richard picked Parasotto, and he knows this, so why the treatment of the Agoracom people, and the snap at Milsy?
Why was the meeting room much smaller than last year. The information that came with our original proxy, included, "Noront cordially invites you to attend the AGM", so why invite all shareholders, and then not provide enough room for them. Some shareholders travelled great distances, at great expense to attend the meeting, but were not allowed in. That was disgraceful. And why were there 4, yes 4, policemen at the door. Was someone feeling they had reason to be concerned for their health? You KNOW I am not suggesting Richard had anything to do with this.
It will be very interesting to see who the BOD picks as the new CEO.
Holding with optimism, but watching carefully................Canseco
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