Noront Resources

High-grade Ni-Cu-Pt-Pd-Au-Ag-Rh-Cr-V discoveries in the "Ring of Fire" NI 43-101 Update (March 2011): 11.0 Mt @ 1.78% Ni, 0.98% Cu, 0.99 gpt Pt and 3.41 gpt Pd and 0.20 gpt Au (M&I) / 9.0 Mt @ 1.10% Ni, 1.14% Cu, 1.16 gpt Pt and 3.49 gpt Pd and 0.30 gpt Au (Inf.)
For the record
almost 16 years ago

"NN" is correct that I am a retail shareholder and not affiliated with Agoracom other than my participation on this forum. While "NN" is correct, "donnyp" is incorrect - I did apparently have a bunch of marbles in my mouth. My brain was engaged but my mouth was not.

Apparently I should have prefaced my question a little more clearly for Mr. Parisotto. Quite frankly, I was a little taken aback buy Mr. Parisotto's response. Previous to my question, I was not aware of the fact that Mr. Parisotto apparently has a disdain for our forum.

As many of you here are aware (including Richard himself), this platform was critical in our recent success in the dissident proxy battle. Beyond that, I like many have gleened much knowledge and insights here on this forum and would be very discourged if it was to go away. Heed therefore should be paid to Sum4all's recommendation of maintaining shareholder contact lists in the event that we are left out in the cold.

With respect to the Q&A at the meeting, I too was dissapointed in the responses of Mr. Parisotto. For some strange reason, I thought I was at an AGM of a company in which I own shares and not a political debate where no real answers were provided. Having said that, there were not a whole lot of questions asked but maybe donnyp was correct this time - based on previous response of Mr. Parisotto, some might have been a little gunshy.

The only board member that we were afforded any insight was Mr. Parisotto, other than a stand up and wave of the 4 others. My first impression of Mr. Parisotto was not favorable but again I am going to give Richard and Mr. Parisotto the benefit of the doubt. Richard personally selected Mr. Parisotto and I trust that judgement. I will give Mr. Parisotto the benefit of the doubt knowing that he is likely worn a little thin with the demands placed upon him recently.

Richard, Richard, Richard. There is not much that I can say about Mr. Nemis that hasn't already been said. I can tell you however that as he was applauded on numerous occasions, he was beaming with pride and appeared very happy indeed. I was fortunate to shake his hand on a couple of occasions, look him in the eye and say thank you.

For me, a few of the most important words spoken at the meeting were spoken by Richard. I needed confirmation that in fact we have a balanced slate with 3 nominees from each camp. Richard alleviated my concerns showing 3 fingers on each hand and stating we have "3 from our side and 3 from theirs".

When this story began, we all knew that there were to be many chapters written. Some chapters have been better than others thus far. Even those less favorable chapters will in all likelihood be fondly remembered due the the lead character. Hopefully the balance of this story will make Richard proud.

Finally, it was a pleasure to meet many new posters that I have not met previously, reaquaint with those I have and many other people affiliated with Noront including Dr. Mungal.

Cheers to all!

Let the new chaper begin.


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