Noront Resources

High-grade Ni-Cu-Pt-Pd-Au-Ag-Rh-Cr-V discoveries in the "Ring of Fire" NI 43-101 Update (March 2011): 11.0 Mt @ 1.78% Ni, 0.98% Cu, 0.99 gpt Pt and 3.41 gpt Pd and 0.20 gpt Au (M&I) / 9.0 Mt @ 1.10% Ni, 1.14% Cu, 1.16 gpt Pt and 3.49 gpt Pd and 0.30 gpt Au (Inf.)

It is a standard practise within hostile bids for a company being attacked to set up a defence, a less than spectacular aura or "poison pill" for the takeover giants to have to swallow in the manifest destiny quests.

Consider this...

If Noront was as bad as Irwin says and likely to collapse if "he" doesn't support us with his guiding, strong hands...then why can't he state what he is going to do to change Noront for the better? That is because there is nothing wrong with Noront. What's is wrong with Noront is that it has been the "MOST MANIPULATED" stock on the Vancouver exchange. Walls everywhere.... and yes "if" Irwin pulls his shares after losing the vote (which he will IMHO) our stock will lose value....but only for a short time until others buy up his shares....(which I would love to do by the way).

Lets consider that Richard Nemis has been providing the portions of the news releases that say enough to keep the authorities happy, but not enough to keep the investment community bouncing with joy. Maybe Richard is inserting a small poison pill into the play..something to cause a "stink" and keep the prowlers away. Don't believe everything thats going on right now. It is a game...a game of wits....a game of money....a game of nerves... but in the end....a game. Remember also that these proxy battles are normally quite ugly and can get the shareholders spirits down. The only one that knows if he's setting a "stink bomb" down to keep Rosseau away is Richard. If stinking out the place is what it takes to keep Irwin away then I know a few cattle on my friend's ranch..................:)

Keep the chins up....this is going to get uglier before the AGM. Ugly may start to sound like a mild expletive as we move forward to the October 28 meeting. No matter what happens with the will also be ugly after the vote is calculated and the winner announced. The ugliness of this wasn't something any of us wanted or expected this time last year. But ugly is part of the development of the "good" small cap companies. This is where we show our true colours. If Richard can't lead us through this Valley of Death then maybe there needs to be some change...but it should be us that makes that decision..along with the large funds. That perfect world I'm afraid will likely never come to fruitation. We shall only be the big guys pawns. Their answer to that .... if you don't like it.... sell!!!

To that I say.... "You've made your points...weak as they are...or for that matter non-existent for the most part... and now you have our answer.....NO!!! Most people can take a hint Rosseau. Give up this stupid Proxy Bid. We all know your trying to steal an up and coming company using unscrupulous means. Shame on you!! We are shareholders as one. Why must you hedgies try to make everything go your way all the time. Why do you take your big foot and try to step on the rest of us on the way to your promised land. I can't stop ranting right now..... but I will.

P.S. I hope Richard makes this company look bad enough to you to keep you from attaching your tentacles to us. You may be the black widow spider...but we are not your mates.


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