Noront Resources

High-grade Ni-Cu-Pt-Pd-Au-Ag-Rh-Cr-V discoveries in the "Ring of Fire" NI 43-101 Update (March 2011): 11.0 Mt @ 1.78% Ni, 0.98% Cu, 0.99 gpt Pt and 3.41 gpt Pd and 0.20 gpt Au (M&I) / 9.0 Mt @ 1.10% Ni, 1.14% Cu, 1.16 gpt Pt and 3.49 gpt Pd and 0.30 gpt Au (Inf.)

why we are here, what we are here for, and what we are VOTING for here,...... or differently stated what we are voting against,....

for that i have to violate one of my own principles. but i will,... because this is a real war and we have to act accordingly,... ( basically i really stick to my own principles and tell you about what moves me and how i personally feel about all this).

so,... here are some of my by now famous rumors again. to help you to focus, if needed at all, don't get me wrong i know some of you don't like them, these rumors, some of you carry strong principles against them,because they are just rumors,.... but i want all of your focus and therefore i think although they are still rumors you are right about that, i still just h a v e to share. please don't forget the real strenght of a not confirmed fact and please don't kill the messenger,... but these ones are good enough to share at this point in time, and where they come from in my opinion really give them some real world credibility.

all of this because i'm sure mr. irwin from the rosseau gang heard them as well, and probably has been double checking these numbers with his buddy durham an insider in the area, and that made them soooo excited that they just went for it,....

ok you understan my motivation so here we go,... today unofficially somebody really involved in the company mentioned that the value of the noront find, to be more specific the chromite find of noront only till today, most likely roughly has a value of about cad$ 24 bill. a ball park for sure.

ok 24 bill, if you want to use a 7% or a 10% insitu to count is totally up to you,....

that is one,....

here is another one,... please understand i never ever gonna tell you who came up with these numbers, so don't even try but i tell you, by the heritage only these numbers have some credibility in itself. i do have to stress again that these are just rumors for now,...and ball park figures, so you rather fantasize about half of it,...

earlier i posted already that the total amount of chromite ore being mentioned in the entire mcfaulds could be as large as about 500 million tonnes. yes indeed 500 million tonnes of high grade chromite ore,... not to mention the nickel, copper, pge's and what else is still hidden under the swamp right now and waiting to be discoverd by ongoing exploration.

well,.... for that amount the value could be as high as $250 bill.

no mistake ,... 250 billion of canadian dollars.

in my job, you always ask what somebodies motivation is. that is always the key to behavior,..... always, all kinds of behavior,.. well i guess we found the answer for our character mr. irwin. the bad guy has a very clear motivation,..... do you recognize the script by now,... do you know why he is the bad guy and what he wants to happen further in the story?,....

dick nemis pretty much likes money himself, as i was told,and never ever spends a dime for nothing. that is why i by the way don't believe one letter of the windfall critism of rosseau stated in his circular carries any truth to it,...but and this is really nice about nemis' character,... he also likes to share his success, because he fully understand and learned through his long and divers carreer, that unity with all, makes one stronger and eventually creates a more substantional success. just look at his jv program and policy, and that is why nemis want to be sharing with us,... his retail base that helped him from the very first hours of this exploration...

so again i'm sure you get my drift,... mr nemis' exploration initiative could be ending up as much as an overall success of $250 bill for the entire area.

the rosseau gang, by nature of their being, are not born and raised to share. these guys just take, that is the core of their by the way just occasionally proven success. just study their track record if you are not convinced as i did. they wouldn't eventually develope the area till its $ 250 bill dollars value either. driven by their nature and heritage they only are able to achieve a different kind of success.

short term, because they know, they will certainly ruin the fragile balance of a starting company at the longer term and would create diversity in the entire macfaulds with all involved, far before that magic $250 bill point was ever reached, they just have to sell it off for who wants it easy and cheap at that moment in time.

so please ask yourself, if you are in doubt,... what do you want that?

you want a quick multiply times 2 maybe 3 if we are lucky and diversity wont blow us out of the water aerlier,.... and that is about it,....

or do you want to be part of this historic canadian find and stay in till all is said and done, which eventually goes pretty quick judging by the progress stated in the latest presentation, and find yourself part off and involved in a multiply times 10 historical find, or even 18 X multiply might be still a realistic expectation at this point in time in dispite of these current brutal markets,....

please people help us to get rid of this unbalanced and most likely just greedy gang that will create a too early mess-up, or a too early and too soon sell process, or a too huge divission in the area, or,..or,.. you name it,... pleae at doubt just look at the aurealian gangsters being involved amongst others. look at their track record for a change. and just ask yourself do we really want that kind of things happening with the company we happen to know so much about by now?

i can pormiss you by doing hours, days, weeks yes months of dd, that mr. nemis his policies, in dispite of some of his weaker features, will pay off like never seen before in your investing life,...

people that know me, also know that i'm not a pumper, but instead i feel it is important to always show some of the hand that was dealt to us,... but that also couns when things are good, really good.

hang in warriors, lets mutually defeat these guys and let's all together, including the entire current management, share the success once it will appear for all involved.

thanks all for your determination. together we will be strong. we didn't win though yet so please keep pushing as much as you can.

please just take everything in seriously consideration and VOTE.

VOTE nemis cum suis. they deserve it! and you deserve it,... no even better all involved deserve it!

and after you finished VOTING for yourself, please help others to VOTE as well.


i guess it is time to get off the computer for today, sleep tight, roos.

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