Newcastle Gold Ltd.

Operating Gold Mines - Quebec & Peru Canadian Gold Producer with significant GOLD Reserves
CSC Update?
about 13 years ago
in response to Orange Flash's message


I'm not sure where to begin or where to end.

There is no longer a constraint on the CSC members other than the possibility of a personal lawsuit if we say something that could be seen as negative to the companies and there-by affect the sp. short, Damages!

You probably deserve a de-briefing and I need to get my head around that. We had the superior legal team but the problem from the very beginning was money. We didn't have any. A news release like our proxy circular cost $3,800.00 just to pay the wire service to disseminate. We spent more than 10 grand just on those few NR we did publish. Even once we switched from Per Diem to contingency we were still paying for the disbursements.

We raised a total of $16,000.00 from shareholders. We needed 5 times that just to be in the game. If you count 0.00 for the lawyers time, we have spent more than we raised just on disbursements. It's like climbing into a cab with a bunch of guys leaving New York going to Los Angeles.....handing the cabby 5 bucks and then screaming you got ripped off if the cab only makes it to Reno Nevada because the cabby had no more gas.......then having the nerve to ask for your 5 bucks back because you didn't get to your destination.

I learned a lot here. It was a very expensive lesson for all committee members. Some who were severely attacked personally, others who paid with family challenges and others still who are now stuck with an enormous bill that somehow has to be paid.

For future reference you can write all the letters you want to all the regulators in the world, but until you file a formal complaint in a formal fashion and pay a fee of $5,500.00 per regulator there will be no investigation. There has been no criminal activity contrary to what is being touted. There are irregularities and that happens in every single transaction on any business deal. If you don't pay for the investigation it won't happen. That means paying in BC in AB and in Ont.

That alone is more money than we raised in total.

With all due respect, you may think of us what you will and you can criticize as much as you want, but we did a good job under the circumstances we found ourselves. We are the ones sitting in an empty cab in the desert near Reno with an empty tank of gas.

We will not be at the Superior court to challenge the order as the CSC. There may be others who wish to continue, but I personally am done here. You'll have to forgive me if I'm just a bit cynical when it comes to the solidarity of Retail Shareholders. There are a core group who definitely stepped up and for those I am grateful.

But I will never do this again!

If you feel I owe you more than this short explanation you can PM me


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