Inspiration Mining

Welcome To The Inspiration Mining HUB On AGORACOM The company is exploring for nickel deposits on its Langmuir property near Timmins, Ontario; for nickel-gold-copper on its Cleaver and Douglas properties; and for molybdenum and rare earth elements at recently acquired Desrosiers property.
in response to bluenoser's message

Blue, if this report and it's release date relies as heavily on the price of Nickel as you say, then we have just watched the price of nickel peak and start a slide going from mid $9 to mid $7. There will eventually have to be a time when someone, either Micon or it's client has to get off the pot. We better not be hanging on for 25 dollar nickel?

It's going to be a somewhat educated guess to determine the price of Nickel going forward and through 2010. Heck there was an article out the other day where the CEO of FNX thinks Nickel is artifically high now. Yikes. Is waiting until the cows come home such a good thing after all?

Maybe the report will be what opens the doors to other deals. As others have mentioned who's to say it does not pave the road for a mining venture to begin? Heck we all know Montcalm won't be putting out any Nickel ore for a while. Sure we should hold our cards close to our chest in case there are opportunistic and less friendly types lurking, but haven't people kicked around the idea that these Micon type reports are purely for the retail and institutional types for valuation. More of a legal technicality brought on in the ashes of the Bre-x aftermath to protect and lend valuation guidance to Baystreet.

Haven't the Keener and everwatching mining types have already crunched some numbers and would likely know what's in the local Langmuir ground anyway. Do recall they have some pretty nice home rendered 3d models out there to gaze at now. Yet if these same miners are cash short they will need to get money from somewhere and there we are again wooing the institutions. Those will be for other future reports ( bankables/prefeasibility) etc to determine

How about the scenario of a bidding war? How about we release the hounds? One thing we are not and that is a cash strapped explorer or producer looking to sell for considerably less than we are worth now or later. Clarus has been brought on board to possibly advise in that strategy game too.

When I mentioned I thought you were all over the map, possibly I have misunderstood what you were saying. Either the report is done or it isn't, either they will sit on it or they won't sit on it? Dragging feet? I was under the impression that Micon has a task at hand and that they complete it under the usual due course. The fact that they have asked for extra exploratory or definition drilling is interesting. To use that as a reason for the delays is even better. There is the fact that the drilling has to take place, then the assaying and finally the data entered into the work they are preparing and completing. Should this last effort take another 2,3,4, or 6 months? Is it 10, 20, or 30 drill holes? How does it compare to the whole project in terms of extra workload? Does it warrant a proportional amount of delay time or not, is what I am saying. Is it a stall? Is it footdragging who knows? I sure don't.

Heck what took Kian so long to get his end of the deal put together? Isn't it an ongoing work in progress. Heck isn't it an update to an old one? We all know that there have not been any publically released drill results out since last March when we saw LN08-148 planned but not drilled. So what's a company to do for 8 months?

Do not forget that Micon has been on this job since last May 08. I don't think they sit idle waiting for the last of the drill results to roll in or for Kian to finish up on his final copy of the technical 43-101 before they pick up a pen. I would think they are all cruising along in unison and only in the end do things take on an order. Think synergy.

Another statement made by the company tells me they want to progess this project

Oct 06/09: " The Corporation is evaluating its options for possible underground exploration of the previously mined and partially developed Langmuir No.1 zone and has continued its program of environmental monitoring and evaluation in that area. Strengthening nickel markets in recent months may provide an impetus to accelerate this program."

You want to talk delays?.... let's talk about the dewatering permits and that process. If the company's heart was in it, I don't think that would take 2 or 3 years to get permitted imho. Recall the infamous May 12/09 langmuir 1 update: " to initiate the necessary environmental permitting initiatives in order for the Corporation to obtain the necessary approvals for the dewatering of the Property. ".....Yikes I thought we were doing that 2 years ago? I was thinking about thinking about thinking sort of stuff...come on! I sort of was going to maybe do that later on.... Heck thats a whole other avenue and probably just a smokescreen for what is really the task at hand and thats getting that report done.

Anyway's imho if there is anyone who will deliver the goods, as promised and in a reasonable timely fashion, it will be Micon. What ISM does with it and especially after going on record and putting it out there as "anticipating Mid December" is a first.

Do they really want to sit on it after Micon took 20 months to deliver the report/s. Can they sit on it? Is it not material info that would have to be presented in a timely fashion?Or soes it fall under that silent period cloak where the release of such info could proce detrimental tot he well being of the company and its shareholders (hostiles). I recall those arguements being posted here by some.

"It is anticipated that the report will be completed by Micon by mid-December 2009."

I guess we shall see if the news release date is solid or does the use of the word "anticipated" buy them an out? Maybe completed and released to t e public aren't one and the same? LOL

Heck we could even be early couldn't we?? ( especially if it's in the bag now) They do have a history of underpromising. There is safety in that.

In the end I do have another question, most know or presume we are an explorer looking to prove up a resource and then unload it, having said that what exactly is the "next level" ...........A producer we are not.

Mr. Randy Miller, the President and Chief Executive Officer of the Corporation, stated "We are excited that this process is nearing its completion. We believe that the report will provide the impetus for the Corporation to bring the Langmuir property to the next level."


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