Golden Minerals Company

Welcome To The ECU Silver Mining HUB On AGORACOM Edit this title from the Fast Facts Section
in response to Mrsoul027's message

"Next I would like to pass on my humble thoughts on the past few days. I have to say that I am quite disappointed in a few of my fellow, loyal posters/investors on this site who I have nearly always agreed with and I have (and still have) great respect for. While we all have positive and negative thoughts when such a major upheaval comes, one should always look for the opportunities in change. We have trusted our respected companies up till now, why would we change? Do we really believe that our respective boards have done this in self interest against the best interest of the loyal shareholders? The only 'self interest' I see is in finding a near perfect match for one another and having the brass b@lls to go for a proper 50/50 merger."

Come on, let's not fool ourselves. We are dealing with a lot of external factors nobody here has a grip on. Naked short sellers, a difficult to understand decrease in valuation of PM miners, while the price of PM metals rockets up, long lasting ratio spreads, the corruption of bankers/brokers, fast shifting currency markets, all these external factors are changing continuously and rapidly. In other times or under the guidance of a well willing (profit oriented) financial tutor, ECU silver would have been a $10-stock right now and would never have had any problem to finance the construction of a large capacity mill. Many things in this market are completely upside down and question marks are only normal, since nothing works as it used to since the dark pools and HFTs have taken over. We all expect that things return to normal, but extreme situations are extended and we simply don't know when markets return to their natural equilibrium. Before you had to wait two years maximum, now (thanks to multiple layers of derivatives) they make us wait eight years, easily, before extreme situations return to normal (will they ever?).

For me it is only normal and very healthy, that under these abnormal circumstances people panick and ask questions when a merger like this falls from the sky. How can you immediately be positive about a merger, when you don't even know the company you are merging with? Most of us have been cheated several times by this market and when you finally think to know a company and that same company surprises you big time with an unexpected merger, you are out of balance.

I am glad that we have opposing views here, because if we would all agree and wouldn't dare to expose our doubts, for sure we would be easy victims of fraud. The more questions, the better and thanks to those that make a continuous effort to share their knowledge, we also get answers. Don't forget we are not all professionals here.

By the way, I have learned to distrust boards of directors over the last 10 years. They are not there for the shareholders as far as I have experienced.

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