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in response to Babaoriley's message

Babaoriley, I was going to stay out of this debate until reading your comment on guilt. Recently a prominent democrat said the republicans are trying to get votes by scaring white people. When I read this I thought, yea, and the democrats have been trying to get white votes by shaming white people for 40 years. I think both of these assessments are accurate.

The republicans have their stupid war on terror which has bankrupted the nation and killed hundreds of thousands of innocent civilians. Now they say we need to be afraid of Mexicans. Both of these cultures are 99% hard working non violent people. I am much more afraid of the 14 year old drug dealers that will shoot you if you look at them wrong, and of the military and national intelligence agencies that spy on our every move and are now considered above the law. And I am afraid of Congress that takes more of my hard earned money every year and uses it to buy other peoples votes.

The democrats on the other hand do not appeal to physical fear, they instead take away mental freedom. In the large east coast city I live in, blacks rob, assult, and murder whites at a rate over 80 times as frequent as whites commit these crimes against blacks according to justice department data. When a group of blacks beat a white woman to near death while yelling racist comments (recorded on city bus), it is not a hate crime, but if a white person does any lessor crime it is of course a hate crime. The message is white people should be ashamed and blacks have special status. The democrats use similar shaming tactics for people who smoke, are pro life, are anti gay, own guns, or run small businesses and do not and do not adhere to the millions of laws. In the democrats effort to please everyone, they end up taking alot more than they give. Charity should be a personal decision and not a government policy enforced with jail time for non contributers.

The commonality of this is that polititians in there effort to gain votes promise safety or acceptance while actually taking away feedom.

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