Golden Hope Mines

Golden Hope Mines Limited is a junior mining company trading on the TSX Venture Exchange under the symbol GNH and on the Pink Sheets in the U.S. under the symbol GOLHF.
Re: Hang tough
almost 13 years ago
Re: Hang tough
almost 13 years ago
in response to yellowknifer's message

I don't think you can blame the melt down on young quick minds, greed yes. When I refer to young quick minds I'm also not thinking young young. Someone who is 40-50 is still young and very quick, and can be extremely experienced. It is a fact that once a human surpasses a certain threshold the body and mind tend to slow down. It does not mean that they are of no value, however we are in a different time now than we were 10 years ago and alot has changed. Experience is always a valuable asset, however like they say, it's very hard to teach an old dog the new tricks. We are in a time now where decisions must be made and produced quickly, not when it suits the time-line of someone who is in no hurry. GNH is a business competing against many others and should be aggressive and proactive, and they should play in the same manner as all the other juniors competing for investment dollars. The fact that SGS, which have an extremely good reputation, are getting more involved with GNH than previously planned, is a very good sign. These guys know what it takes, and are going to help GNH on the road to success.


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