Golden Hope Mines

Golden Hope Mines Limited is a junior mining company trading on the TSX Venture Exchange under the symbol GNH and on the Pink Sheets in the U.S. under the symbol GOLHF.
in response to Skier59's message

Skier wrote: "As far as Frank is concerned, I think he has done and is doing a fantastic job. Perhaps he might need some help selling, because as much as I admire Tilsley, a day comes when everybody should retire, as new technology and younger minds are much quicker."

With all due respect, we need to be careful that we don't throw the baby out with the bath water. It is entirely possible that GNH may not exist today if it weren't for the contributions that Jim T has made to the project for a very long time.

Jim may have a different theory than SGS about the nature of the deposit and how it was formed, but his contribution to the project, both past and present, should not be summarily dismissed.

There is a key role for an experienced geologist such as Jim T at GNH. I consider a little professional competition to be healthy.

Yes both SGS and Jim T need to remember that it is the BoD, management and the shareholders that call the shots at GNH and not let their egos get ahead of themselves.

From what I have seen, Frank Candido is very astute at identifying weaknesses in management and stickhandling to bring in key personel. If you look at the composition of the board today you will see that Frank has done what he needed to do to strengthen it. I suspect their will be further changes to strengthen the board in the future.

The same is true of the decision to bring in SGS. I have always believed that 2 heads are better than one. Bellchase Timmins is a complicated deposit due to its nuggety nature. Adding SGS to the geology/engineering team simply gives the BoD and Management another tool they can use to make informed decisions regarding how best to define the deposit.

This does not make Jim T redundant. Besides who says that Jim's theories will not prove to be correct? As Yogi Bera's not over till it's over.

As I see it, the BoD and Management are the ones that make the decisions. They are richer and better informed by having both SGS and Jim T available for advice.

From what I have seen of Jim T (I have talked to him on several occasions) he is mature enough to welcome all input if it will help to reach the final goal. IMHO there is a key role for both SGS and Jim T assuming they leave their egos at the door.


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