Golden Hope Mines

Golden Hope Mines Limited is a junior mining company trading on the TSX Venture Exchange under the symbol GNH and on the Pink Sheets in the U.S. under the symbol GOLHF.

Just came back from the Resource Conference in Toronto.

Finally got to meet Frank, Sasha, and the one and only HOOV. First off I talked with Frank Candido about the company, sp and so on. He is very passionate about what he is doing, and judging by the amount of meetings he had in the last few days with folks about GNH, I am pretty confident he knows what he's doing.

I asked him about the BNN interview of the klutz from Pinetree Capital - Frank was not impressed. James West was suppose to be on BNN to explain the latest NR so that retail and the regular investors can understand it more as he acknowledges that he did not explain it well in the NR. James could not make it as he was in Vancouver and the camera completely crapped out and therefore BNN had to cancel James. In my opinion if James had been able to make BNN and explain the NR, I think more people would understand it and from what I understand now, our SP would of definetely gone up. Frank didn't expect the Pinetree guy to comment about GNH, as he did not know what he was talking about and it was evident in his answers re: GNH. Frank has already called him and wants him to fix what he said as it was inaccurate information. That Pinetree dude did not know anything about GNH, and had no right to make things up, such as "The Gold is too deep" - WRONG. Frank wants him to admit he was wrong and would of much preffered him to say "Im sorry Im not familiar with that stock" - but since BNN was bombarded with questions about GNH, maybe they felt they had to say something correct or not. I personally dont think that Pinetree will apologize or retract what they said, but we'll see. Frank was not happy and I could tell when he was talknig about it.

Frank showed me the area that was discussed in the latest NR, and he wished he could of explained it better - he did mentioned that he is in the process of fixing that this week - now Im not sure what that means, but you can tell he realizes he could of done a better job with it. Folks, let me tell you, this area is 1% of total GNH land holdings, there is enough gold here for a mine, take away Sugar Bush, Laval, Timmins 1, etc, take all that away and you have enough for 40 million tonnes and a mine here - now if this was explained better in the NR I think we would have a different reaction then we did. One more thing I learned that I didnt know before was some of the holes that were reported were "wildcat" holes. These holes were mixed in with the main drilling and there it seems like this was from one section of drilling. The "wildcat" holes are basically holes they drill to see if anything hits, I viewed it as darts being thrown at a dart board and lets see what it comes up with - that is why you saw some low results in some of the holes, they went north of Snow White (i believe it was north), and they dirlled "wildcat" or test holes. They should of split these results and explained this better in the NR so people know.

Frank was very excited about hole 127, the hole that had VG throughout and deep. I dont recall how deep, but I believe it was over 300 metres - dont quote me on the exact depth, as I'm not sure, but it was deep. These results are at the lab, and assays should be back on this soon. Frank cant wait to put those results in a NR, as a few people have said that this hole will put GNH on the map most likely.

Frank is a very passionate man, and he believes in what he does. I can tell he wants to get in there, drill it up, show how much Gold there is and sell to a major - this is my interpretation of what I believe will happen. He's not wasting anytime with this at all.

I then got the chance to meet HOOV. Larry was talking with other people and almost had a lineup for people waiting to meet and speak to him :). I told him he should be on stage as one of the guest speakers jokingly, and he said that most likely next year - Wow, this man know his stuff. For the next 20 minutes I learned so much from the HOOV about GNH then I thought I already knew and though was possible. He is such a wealthy of information, and I tried to soak up as much as I could. The HOOV is a very honest and sincere fellow, and he tells you like it is and like he sees it. If he believes in GNH, then so do I. He wished the NR was explained better as well, and he told Frank what should of been said in it. I think HOOV might have a say on future NR's and the wording of them, he may be a guiding light or he may even write some of them, not sure, but he really knows his stuff, and the more brains on the job the better IMO.

It was nice to see and meet people and put faces to a name. I was confident in GNH before, but now I am even more confident and happy with my investment. When they say the blue sky potential is crazy, it really really is. I'm very excited that I own shares in GNH, and from what I saw today and from what Larry and Frank explained to me and showed me on the maps, I am more confident then ever that those of us in GNH will be greatly rewarded when all is said and done.

I will be buying more shares on Monday.


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