Golden Hope Mines

Golden Hope Mines Limited is a junior mining company trading on the TSX Venture Exchange under the symbol GNH and on the Pink Sheets in the U.S. under the symbol GOLHF.
in response to Charlie Gimble's message

My comments are that I am pleased to see the high volume from this past week. We need new money coming into this company as there are too many shareholders who have made too much money on this and would be comfortable selling all the way down to 30 cents at the drop of a hat.

I think it's a natural process and a cleansing is/was in order and probably still is. I don't need the money so I'm happy to let it ride on what I know our company.

Frank is working on new money, and if some of Rago's posts are true (and knowing about who he is, I believe him) there is new 'smart' money already here.

I really hope people get a grip on their expectations, and I will accept partial blame for perhaps building them sky high. We have been told repeatedly that assay results will understate grade, and Hoov pointed out that hitting a nugget with half a tiny drill core is very unlikely.

With that said it is also right under our noses that the potential here looks extremely favourable for an enormous deposit of gold but it is not going to be realized overnight.

Gold is at 1300, the property is in Quebec and Candido is not an idiot and is getting things done as fast as possible.

I'm okay with a drop in price to get new buyers that see the value and won't be selling on the way past $1. Then we can do this all over again at the next level.

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