Golden Hope Mines

Golden Hope Mines Limited is a junior mining company trading on the TSX Venture Exchange under the symbol GNH and on the Pink Sheets in the U.S. under the symbol GOLHF.
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about 14 years ago
in response to semismart's message

Semi....two posts you made, but I think both are right on the money with both. The only thing we know for certain is that GNH can only go as low as zero ( and it would be a bad joke ). In the other you state the story isn't over yet. I don't think so either. In fact I have not sold a single share. I have not bought more either.

Sure it would have been nice to have taken some money off the table. I thought about it but didn't act. I knew with the NR that a sell off would probably occur. NOBODY knew which way this would go with that NR. The markets do not give that signal. Neither do the charts!!! That said, I do believe the charts are useful and some people have the knack to read them pretty well. I do enjoy the comments some posters write. My son is an avid chartist so we have some healthy discussions. I've been getting the lectures back that I gave him as a teenager. What goes around, comes around??? ( He is sitting with free shares ).

Each of us has to study how we react to the emotions the markets bring out in us. I do not have a good record at trading the markets, except my way. So I do it my way. I'll take money off the table when I am happy with what I think is a fair price. 98 cents didn't cut it for me. So I knew I was in for a longer wait. If we get the news we expect to get from the success they have had by the end of the year, we should hit close to the $2 mark. That is where I would take some money out. During the time it would take until that date, I would watch the news to make sure we stayed on track. The results would have had to be consistant.

Like I say, I still believe in this project. I believe most of the group who were early to this find are sincere people and are as stunned by the turn of events as anybody. Frank, Sasha, Tilsley, and others must be losing a lot of sleep wondering how they can get this train back on the rails. We know they have a PP on their minds and the higher the share price the better for all of us. I do have one concern and it bothers me a lot. It is the volume that never seems to run out. The selling seems to be steady and relentless. Does it even slow up as it breaks so easily through these resisitance levels on the charts? That has to be a disturbing concern.

Now anything can happen at any time in the markets, and nobody sounds a bell when it is about to happen. So we can continue down. I rather expect that until we see the shares that are being thrown away dry up. Once these players see that we could have a rush to pick up the bargains and our share price will move up. I would not expect as swift a run up as we had down or on our way up in the first instance. But at least the slaughter would cease and we all can breathe a sigh of relief. The only other guarantee I will make is to reafirm that we live in interesting times. And finally, Herb, may God bless all who have the courage of their convictions........Liz

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