bobber65's Profile

bobber65's Posts

Re: No Recent Committee Update Here

I honestly believe captain hoov and shipmates mentioned above have jumped ship .Theres a tall tale to be told when you look at GNH and others that have been pumped buy the shipmates .Im sure they were rewarded handsomely with gold in there pockets .I can only hope i am wrong with my observations

Have a good day to all

over 13 years ago
Re: ... News

We have a real winner here ,just a matter of time!!!!!!!!!

over 13 years ago
Re: Gold Bullion drills 80 m of 1.36 g/t Au at Granada

My gut feeling tells me we have a mine!!!!!!!!!!!

over 13 years ago
Re: Quest Rare Minerals Holds 2011 Annual Meeting

Well isn,t this short noice ??????

over 13 years ago
Re: Had to happen sooner or later

Yes Kewi a lot of patience is needed with this 1 Rumors are we have a mine just rumors Good luck to all

over 13 years ago
Re: When this is all over

Kewi hope you are right I have not sold 1 share , What we need is some positive news ,like soon !!!!!!!!!

over 13 years ago
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