Golden Hope Mines

Golden Hope Mines Limited is a junior mining company trading on the TSX Venture Exchange under the symbol GNH and on the Pink Sheets in the U.S. under the symbol GOLHF.
in response to Stud's message

I totally hear where you're coming from Stud. If it puts your mind at ease (as it does mine), I have no doubt if answering/returning phone calls became overwhelming or an issue for Frank that he would deal with it just like he deals with everything else.

I had dinner with him and Sasha in Montreal several months ago. After dinner we went to a bar for a drink and he went home around midnight. He woke up the next day at 5, finished and sent out a news release, dealt with his family, packed, picked up Sasha, then me, got bagels and coffee, gas and we were on the road before 8am and I didn't see him or Sasha stop working their phones or laptop (Sasha's laptop in the backseat, connected to internet through his phone) until 1030am en route to Quebec City airport to pick up 6 other visitors that he had arranged rental cars for to go to the site where everything else was arranged. He did this and much more, and not once did I sense he was overworked or tired or frustrated. In fact, as I mentioned before he had me in stitches the whole time because the guy is frickin hilarious.

Hopefully our shareholders use good judgement with Franks time, but I definitely think he wants to be accessible. When Sasha is back he'll take the brunt of the calls anyways. I compared notes with Glorieux recently and our ratio of calls is about 8 to 1 for Sasha and Frank respectively. This is Sasha's job and he's very good at it.

There was a time when Sasha would call me back within 2 minutes of my call to him consistently. Understandably those days are over now, but he always calls back even if it's after 8pm.

Anyways in my business when I find I'm getting overwhelmed I usually hire and train somebody so I can focus where I am most needed. These guys will do the same, but at the risk of creating even more congestion for these guys - they've always encouraged communication with shareholders and seem to go out of their way to make their SH's feel comfortable with their investment.

The great thing is that it seems that all of that information is shared right here on this hub so those that don't have the time or interest can stay right in the loop.

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