Golden Hope Mines

Golden Hope Mines Limited is a junior mining company trading on the TSX Venture Exchange under the symbol GNH and on the Pink Sheets in the U.S. under the symbol GOLHF.
in response to imaviking's message

Sorry, I don't have all that "techno" ability of all the other posters here... But, I do remember reading something of interest here that may help explain things a bit, which has been rolling around in my cranium for a bit...

2006 - 2007 cut off gold grade of 250 ppb. Today, cut off grade of 100 ppb...

I go back to comparisons of another company - Osisko, I believe. Correct me if I am wrong, but did I not read here somewhere on this very forum that Osisko has an "average grade" of somewhere around 1 gram/ton??? I don't believe that Osisko had anything out back in 06 - 07 as they were just splitting away from Golden, or had just split away and were in the process of proving up their other claims to get them to 7 or 8 million ounce resource estimate, at an average grade of 1 gram/ton...

If, and PLEASE correct me if I am wrong, this grade is accurate, then having a cutoff grade of 100 ppb is not too far off from 1 gram per ton, no??? AND, if our drilling results are lower than the Actual grade... well, I am sure that Frank and company are well aware that if they try something "funny", a Newmont or Barrick would sniff them out in a heartbeat, and we would come crashing back down. I have faith that this is a REAL deal, based mostly on Larry's analysis based on his conversations with Jim Tilsley and his site visits and his spectacularly analytical mind that can not only process information that would make my brain bleed, but can also interpret it in such a way as to make it understandable to the likes of ME...

If we are comparing to other exploration companies, like Osisko and the others that were mentioned here before, than wouldn't it make sense that if we can prove up enough tonnage, that we should also have some sort of an equivelant share price as the other companies??? There, I said it. That was the whole point of my ramblings... Now, my brain hurts and I am going to go take my little girl to her Track and Field meet today. Have a GREAT DAY, all, and

God Bless all Golden Investors!


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