Crystallex International

Welcome to the Crystallex HUB on AGORACOM "Crystallex International Corporation is a Canadian-based gold producer with operations and exploration properties in Venezuela."
in response to Rayzz's message

I had asked him more questions and this is his response in Spanish (can't translate too well with the available software, but did include the translation followed by his original email). He is very optimistic and states that KRY has done good things for the community..

TRANSLATION (not very good)

It appreciated Laura, flavor in writing you again; Crystallex I build an Ambulatory very beautiful one and complete, that but well has caracteristicas of Hospital Type 1; even has not opened his doors upon I publishing (community). I work as I medicate of Business (Medicine of the Work) inside the clinica Industrial of Crystallex, attending he medicates and in terms of work to workers and contractors of the business, ademas I am I medicate general with mencion in Cirugia and expericiencia in Malaria (Malaria), which is very frequent in the zone. In spite of the disasters publicos administrative of our pies, I am an optimist with regard to Crystallex, above all in them you finalize weeks, because I think that the Venezuelan Government does not have but alternative that to give him the permisologia to Crystallex, that well deserves it, by it qualified that is, its business skill and by how much has done by these communities, so much but that the own authorities publish in spite of not Having the permisologia or a participacion as Mixed business. We are begging to GOD, that give the permission to Crystallex. The delay of the permisologia is but burocratico and politico that another thing, in my opinion the CVG and the MIBAN, they have not known to manage and there is a lot of corrupcion and remocion of managerial charges, which has affected the permisologia, but the greater responsibility and the final word has it the national executive. The history of The Cristinas since the año1.963, is long and complex, I am so identifying with the project The Cristinas, that tried to know details and to help in which as small piece of the Team Crystallex and I think that among all we can gear that great team that requires the business and our nacion. The environmental damages are horrible and almost irreparable on the part of the mineria illegal and sadly the government does not put them brake. This zone of Venezuela was privileged by God, is very beautiful, we have to the Great savannah very close (paraiso without equal and unforgettable) at present the Government has lost a lot of credibility, even of its followers, by have not an adequate management of the administracion publishes. I have a drinks of 5 years, is called Maria Fernando

We are to the Order aca in Venezuela, when like and can come; asi conocerias to the Great Savannah and The Leap Angel; to be asi in algun moment could describe you my direccion. Greetings and even then

HIS ORIGINAL EMAIL (maybe someone that speaks Spanish can translate better)

Apreciada Laura, gusto en escribirte nuevamente; Crystallex construyo un Ambulatorio muy bello y completo, que mas bien tiene caracteristicas de Hospital Tipo 1; aun no ha abierto sus puertas al publico (comunidad). Trabajo como medico de Empresa (Medicina del Trabajo) dentro de la clinica Industrial de Crystallex, atendiendo medica y laboralmente a trabajadores y contratistas de la empresa, ademas soy medico general con mencion en Cirugia y expericiencia en Malaria (Paludismo), lo cual es muy frecuente en la zona.

A pesar de los desastres publicos administrativos de nuestro pais, soy optimista con respecto a Crystallex, sobre todo en las ultimas semanas, porque pienso que el Gobierno Venezolano no tiene mas alternativa que darle la permisologia a Crystallex, que bien la merece, por lo calificada que es, su pericia empresarial y por lo mucho que ha hecho por estas comunidades, tanto mas que las propias autoridades publicas a pesar de no tener la permisologia o una participacion como empresa Mixta. Estamos rogando a DIOS, que le den el permiso a Crystallex.

El retraso de la permisologia es mas burocratico y politico que otra cosa, a mi parecer la CVG y el MIBAN, no han sabido gerenciar y hay mucha corrupcion y remocion de cargos gerenciales, lo cual ha afectado la permisologia, pero la mayor responsabilidad y la palabra final la tiene el ejecutivo nacional.

La historia de Las Cristinas desde el año1.963, es larga y compleja, estoy tan identificado con el proyecto Las Cristinas, que he tratado de conocer pormenores y ayudar en lo que pueda como pequeña pieza del Equipo Crystallex y pienso que entre todos podemos engranar ese gran equipo que requiere la empresa y nuestra nacion.
Los daños ambientales son horribles y casi irreparables por parte de la mineria ilegal y lamentablemente el gobierno no les pone freno. Esta zona de Venezuela fue privilegiada por Dios, es muy hermosa, tenemos a la Gran sabana muy cerca (paraiso sin igual e inolvidable)

Actualmente el Gobierno ha perdido mucha credibilidad, incluso de sus seguidores, por no tener una adecuada gerencia de la administracion publica.

Tengo una bebe de 5 años, se llama Maria Fernanda

Estamos a la Orden aca en Venezuela, cuando gustes y puedas venir; asi conocerias a la Gran Sabana y El Salto Angel; de ser asi en algun momento te pudiera describir mi direccion.

Saludos y hasta luego

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