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Re: Reverse Engineering?

Ron, sorry buddy, but I don't agree with you regarding the reverse engineering argument. I usually agree with everything you say but I don't in this regard. I do not remember the term "reverse engineering" being use by our legal team on any trial PTSC has been involved. The only reason I have bothered to post is because I am tired of leckrone being given credit for something he does not have and effectively giving him an edge he does not deserve. He does not have any "reverse engineering" data to my knowledge.

A phase used by Cuba Gooding, Jr. in the movie "Jerry Maguire" is appropriate if you disagree - Show me the Money. The "money" in this case is proof that leckrone possesses the reverse engineering data so often mentioned in this forum. He doesn't.

I dislike leckrone and everything he has done to this company, including the small people in charge that are part of the disease that has destroyed this once promising company.

about 9 years ago
Reverse Engineering?

What reverse engineering? I believe that leckrone never did any reverse enginerring of any kind on anything related to any entity he/we were suing. The reason he won't "give anything up" is quite simple - he does not/never did have anything to give up.

My opinion is based on following the trial and reading the transcripts regarding his "evidence". The so called evidence was a joke - diagrams he had obtained from companies he was suing and then using those same diagrams against those companies in court.

The mind is a funny thing. Perhaps I am simply losing mine but I don't ever recall reading or seeing any evidence that leckrone had reversed engineered a single thing. Anyone?

Or, my rant might simply be explained by the miserable performance of this company and its board of directors.

about 9 years ago
Re: Anybody notice

"all those millions of shares owned by Brian being dumped today?"

What millions of shares? Did I miss something? Last time I checked (at the close), less than 1 million shares had been traded.

By the way, if someone was dumping shares, the pps would be headed down. But then again, you must be a forensic accountant, just like Gloria. Figures.

Hasn't tax season started? Just asking.

over 9 years ago
Re: Samsung Licenses Core flash

Just because Leckrone did not announce it does not mean he did not "give away" an MMP license to that company. All one has to do is look at the Apple license fiasco as the perfect example.

I know what I own, and it ain't pretty.

almost 10 years ago

"So I'd assume Samsung is not licensed so far".

If Prochnow would have stated "We are looking at the Apples of the world - this is where the real money is". Would you then say "So I'd assume Apple is not licensed so far"?

Did you miss this?


almost 10 years ago
Re: Still many pivotal unsettled issues before us, but the distrust of PTSC's BOD,

Why did PTSC raise the threshold from $60,000 to $120,000 ?

My guess is that whomever is on the payroll under the old threshold got a hefty raise from our over-generous bod. The threshold had to be raised in order to keep the identity of this individual(s) a secret because we (agora members) would be stunned to learn who this individual(s) is.

about 10 years ago
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