westie's Profile

property investor dabbling in stock market

westie's Posts

Thanks to the Leaders - & your library links are invaluable

Too many cooks in the kitchen spoil the soup.

I haven't read the forum in the last few days, and upon opening it this morning, I am saddened at what I have been enjoying for over a year has come to.

Personally, I don't have time to sift through all these endless messages (and I recognize I will be adding to the general bulk), but I do find the research the hub leaders have provided to be invaluable.

Leaders, I hope even if you no longer dedicate the considerable time to the hub, that you still update the library links to keep us informed.

And thank you so much for all your time and efforts.

We all make our own decisions, but having the information that you leaders have accummulated so readily available has been fantastic.

thanks again, and I wish you all well, whatever your decisions may be.

almost 13 years ago
permits for drilling - and cheers to exciting news releases!

The permits took a long time to get, and are in the name of "St Elias Mines", right?

Do you think that with the "World Class Gold Discovery" that Tesoro may be, that a suitor would need to purchase "St Elias Mines" to retain the permits? Because if the a "World Class Gold Discovery" were announced, and a suitor then tried to drill on their own name, do you think the permits would be as easy for them to get? I'd imagine that there would be greater hoops to jump through for permits from the Peruvian government for a "World Class Gold Discovery" than an unexplored chunk of land somewhere remote, no?

Personally, I think Lori is trying to protect as much of the unexplored property as she can, before an offer comes to buy "St Elias Mines", which the suitor may need to purchase in entirity in order to get the Tesoro.

I would rather they be protected, (even in another non-arms length company that I now need to decide whether or not to invest in) rather than given away for free to the bidder of the Tesoro.

She may need to do it in ways that I may have difficulty getting my head around, but then, that is why she is the President of the company, and I am only a shareholder.

But if the end result is profit, I as a shareholder, would be very happy.

But I am just a shareholder, and I am a minor one compared to a lot of you on the board! From what I have seen, I trust management and I plan to ride this exciting one out!!

about 13 years ago
web sales?

Does anyone know how the web sales are going?

It appears that the Sonomax website was updated around June . . . it indicates that the Sculpted Eers should be available for shipment in August.

Perhaps web sales stats will be more readily available than store stats?

about 13 years ago
JP Morgan's $2500 gold prediction - now, what would that do to SLI SP?

LONDON (Dow Jones)--JP Morgan (JPM) has become the latest bank to up its forecast for spot gold prices, hiking its estimates by a whopping 39% and predicting the precious metal to reach at least $2,500 a troy ounce by the end of the year.

This is almost $800/oz higher than current levels, which represent an all-time high.

The U.S. bank had previously expected spot gold to be at $1,800/oz by year-end.

The move will come amid very high volatility, the bank's Colin Fenton said, and is being driven by "rising probability of a reflaring of financial crisis."

Earlier Monday, Goldman Sachs (GS) raised its forecast for gold, saying its economists now place a one-in-three chance of a U.S. recession that would most likely occur within the next six months. But its prices are significantly lower than JP Morgan's, with Goldman predicting a spot prices of $1,645/oz in three months and $1,730/oz by six months.

Gold soared higher overnight and has become an investor favorite amid deteriorating economic conditions in the euro zone and the U.S.
Friday's downgrade of the U.S. credit rating from AAA to AA-plus by ratings agency S&P triggered the most recent strength in gold, which leapt over $70 from Friday's low to peak at $1,715.29/oz earlier Monday.

Morgan Stanley, ANZ, UBS, MF Global and Barclays Capital last week all upgraded their gold price forecasts, while producers like Barrick Gold (ABX), AngloGold Ashanti (AU) and Randgold Resources (GOLD) have been making bullish statement in support of further rises in recent days.

But JP Morgan said it isn't just gold that will benefit from the financial malaise. Commodities geared toward Asia, investment, and inflation will outperform commodities anchored more to the growth prospects and local supply chains of the U.S.

"The bullish basket includes Brent crude oil, gasoil, gold, raw sugar, copper, corn, and wheat," said JP Morgan's Fenton. "The bearish basket includes WTI crude oil, RBOB gasoline, aluminum, zinc, and North American natural gas."

He singled out sugar, noting that dollar weakness and rising inflation expectations open the upside for raw sugar prices to surge far higher than would otherwise be likely, perhaps doubling or more in a spike. But he cautioned that "sugar rallies tend to be brief, violent, and difficult to time."

-By Andrea Hotter, Dow Jones Newswires; +44 (0)20 7842 9413; andrea.hotter@dowjones.com

about 13 years ago
Re: Will start trading on AMEX exchange on Monday, Aug 1

Closed on AMEX today (Aug 1) at 2.42 USD.

about 13 years ago
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