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Re: Exubera's ghost

Nada, exactly. By the way, it was only 6 that were aware of it (not 6 that were not aware). More importantly, the negative bias due to Exubera was reported as being the strongest factor to not prescribe Afrezza. Educating the medical profession to change this current perception is going to be key.

over 11 years ago
Exubera's ghost


It was interesting to see the results of the survey conducted with 75 primary care physicians in Steve Byrne’s (BofA) MNKD research report of 3/27/13. Of particular interest were the points about low familiarity with Afrezza (only 6/75 knew of it) and inherent bias against inhaled insulin due to Exubera’s market failure (ranked as highest concern for prescribing Afrezza). This is quite troubling and in my view highlights a dominant hurdle facing commercial success of Afrezza.

There is an older but very relevant research report on the failure of Exubera:

It is more comprehensive than other Exubera reports I have seen and I encourage anyone interested to read it. It contains a lot of insight on what went wrong and provides some lessons to be taken away from this massive commercial failure. The lingering negativity around inhaled insulin makes me more concerned about execution on the commercial front with respect to changing this perception and learning from PFE’s missteps, rather than any questions regarding Afrezza’s clinical significance or likelihood for approval.

over 11 years ago
Re: The Real Question

He was better as Kermit.

over 11 years ago
Re: Matt's comments re partnership/financin...

My interpretation was that partnership would occur after the trial results are available. But as Ron alluded to in the last post, the critical-for-approval type 1 study is open label which means the data might be shared with potential partners as it came in (the type 2 study is blinded). The point at which enough data would be available to be convincing for a partner to feel comfortable to pull the trigger is anyone’s guess, but my feeling is it will not be before they run out of cash this fall. And whether a partner would want to wait until the type 2 data was released (~mid 2013) is another question to consider, given the potential huge increase in market size.

about 12 years ago
Matt's comments re partnership/financin...

It seemed like Matt’s comments regarding financing at today’s conference were aligned with Al’s reference on Monday to the previous raise. The implication is they feel the current study results will be stellar and upon data release will ease partnership negotiations and/or will allow for better financing options at that time; in other words they just need to raise enough cash now to get to that point.

Matt’s responses to a question about expectations for partnership timing; before or after Phase 3 data:

20:47 I think it’s very possible something could happen before then, but I wouldn’t count on it.

21:25 But human nature being what it is, I think the desire to have Phase 3 data is always going to be there, particularly if we can get some of the stronger data we’re hoping for out of these studies our interests might be aligned on that point…

Response to a question about cash needs:

27:40 …it would certainly be much easier than the last one we did (equity financing), since it wouldn’t take very much to get us to a significant milestone…

about 12 years ago
Re: Info on Pfizer Exubera (FUSE) Presentation in Barcelona - Chad/Tp


Thanks for clearing that up. The wording to me was vague as to whether the cohort of previously Exubera-treated subjects were simply being followed out two additional years for cancer occurence/mortality, with no new Exubera being administered.

Your source raises some good points about the difficulties in interpreting data from this type of study. Hopefully the final data when published will give more clarity around this; until then making interpretations from the abstract alone is pretty speculative IMO.

about 12 years ago
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