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the deputy's Posts


Our condolences on the passing of your father Glorieux. I'm sure he is a better place.     the deputy

over 7 years ago
More Good news

More Good News to check out. We are on a roll and things will change in our share price. Just building steam.

almost 8 years ago
More News

ZEN  Start of a pilot plant of 10 kgs of pure graphite to Ben -Gurion U and Larisplast. Moving ahead. the deputy

almost 8 years ago
Re: A Question to Ponder .....My nov 11/16 email Q to Mara, fyi

Thanks Peter for referring me back to your post. I know there will never be disclosure of companies investigating ZEN graphite but I think just the numbers of those companies who have left and perhaps newly interesed companies that were added to the list. It would only be very negative if the two you mentioned are the only ones left showing interest. I rather doubt however that this is the case. Cheers. the deputy

almost 8 years ago
A Question to Ponder

Good Thursday morning to the holders of ZEN. I got to thinking the other day about things we would like answers to. One of the questions I would like Mara to be able to answer is ..... of the 42 or so NDA's that were evaluating ZEN graphite, how many have fallen by the wayside and visa versa how many perhaps new NDA's have joined the ranks. I am sure some of the original interested parties have left as the product just didn't work out for their specific needs or the costs were perhaps too great to fully explore and evaluate all the testing they required. Maybe they are still testing? There could be any number of reasons that they may have dropped out. The other side of the coin is that we may have some new interest as the news has developed on the radar about it's use in the graphene sphere and nano technology. I don't think this bit of news either way would be either detrimental or enhancing as far as share value. It would just be an interesting bit of knowledge in my opinion. Have a great day on the markets and especially for our beloved ZEN. the deputy

almost 8 years ago
Time Slipping By

Good Pre-election Monday morning. It will be interesting to see the outcome of who will lead our biggest trading partner by the end of tomorrow. The outcome may change the trade and the values of many of our Canadian assets either positively or negatively.Time will tell on these fronts. The question I have is this. It has been about two months since we garnered some federal funding to get on with a prefeasibility metallurgical testing program. Since there has been metallurgical testing of some sort already done, what new testing is in the works under this program and what time frame is needed to get results? Are we looking at next week, next month or next year? I personally have no idea of the procedures of testing or exactly what is being tested for. What new is to be discovered in this process? I am sure some of you smart investors can help me with an explanation and perhaps a time frame of some sort as to how long these procedures normally take. Thanks and have a great day all. the deputy

almost 8 years ago
the deputy
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