speedyG's Profile

speedyG's Posts

Re: cow is out of the barn-SpeedyG

Agreed with what you said was only referring to the quote.


almost 8 years ago
Re: cow is out of the barn


From the article

At present, its development has stalled in face of uncertainty about government support, private investor commitment, and difficult negotiations with First Nations’

I would say the day Govt and FN negotiations say anything, something positive that private investor commitment will come in abbundance.



almost 8 years ago
Re: the quiet-Study complete

Agreed Babjak1 that the EW corridor was complete ages ago and FN have had input, but I don't think all FN have given approval to the EW route. The Govt must be in a very difficult position as the road corridor can not pass through all the FN territory, when they make road decisions not only for the ROF but the North they want to be sure FN are satisfied that a fair counseltation has taken place. Faster the better to me just sense Coutts plans may be set back 1 more year, hope i'm wrong.

almost 8 years ago
Re: the quiet


Improving transportation in Northern Ontario is part of our plan to create jobs, grow our economy and help people in their everyday lives.

Quick facts

  • The strategy is being developed in partnership with the Ministry of Northern Development and Mines.

  • There will be additional opportunities for the public to provide input before the strategy is finalized by the end of 2017.


Again I think these words apply to the ROF and at best we won't hear anything until this time next year

almost 8 years ago
Re: $342B in Resource Sector Investment will Spur Canadian Job Growth

Back to this post by Luker in October, would these talk's not include the ROF




Ontario is seeking public input on rail, road, air and marine travel in Northern Ontario, to develop a multimodal transportation strategy for the next 25 years.

Ontario is meeting with industry, stakeholders, communities and Indigenous peoples across Northern Ontario through public information sessions in October and November 2016.

People are encouraged to join the conversation by attending one of the following in-person sessions across the region:

  • Oct. 26 - Sudbury

  • Oct. 27 - Timmins

  • Nov. 7 - Thunder Bay

  • Nov. 9 - Kenora

  • Nov. 15 - North Bay

  • Nov. 16 - Sault Ste. Marie

More information about these sessions is available on the Northern Ontario Multimodal Transportation Strategy website.

People can also participate by reading and providing feedback on the discussion paper that will be available online later this month; submitting ideas on Twitter and tagging @OnMinTransport and #NorthONtransport; emailing the ministry; or leaving a comment online.

Improving transportation in Northern Ontario is part of our plan to create jobs, grow our economy and help people in their everyday lives.

Quick facts

  • The strategy is being developed in partnership with the Ministry of Northern Development and Mines.

  • There will be additional opportunities for the public to provide input before the strategy is finalized by the end of 2017.

  • Support for safe, reliable transportation links in the North is an important part of the government's Growth Plan for Northern Ontario. The Growth Plan is helping to create a globally competitive northern economy, support communities, renew and expand modern infrastructure, and foster a healthy environment.

Additional resources


"Our government is committed to working together with industry, stakeholders, and communities as we develop a transportation strategy that supports Ontario’s economic growth. We encourage Ontarians to join the conversation to help us develop a plan that supports the needs of your communities." - Steven Del Duca, Minister of Transportation

"Efficient, safe and modern northern transportation systems are vital to creating jobs, driving economic growth and improving the safety of northerners and the travelling public. By participating in the Ministry of Transportation’s request for public input, northern Ontarians will have an opportunity to provide valuable feedback to the province in the development of transportation systems and infrastructure that best serves our communities and families." - Michael Gravelle, Minister of Northern Development and Mines

almost 8 years ago
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