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smokingreen's Posts

MGMT Agoracom!

GREAT NEW FORMAT, after trying it out now for some time as i wanted to see how much more advantageous it would be, well I say the famous 4.5 Stars will do, as i am not the brightest bulb out in the car lot, so it well serves my purposes as for my opinion!  KUDOS!

over 7 years ago
Re: When LBSR Grows UP

The best and most successful ones of course.

almost 8 years ago
Re: Northern Dynasty...

Kind of Chart we are looking for in LBSR:

almost 8 years ago
Re: Trump nominates Scott Pruitt to lead EPA...

"Cap&Trade" AKA "SCAM,ROB&PLUNDER", a law they want us to accept even though we can,t read the 99,000 pages of "BULLSHIT", from a ruling ("THEY") that will deposit trillions of dollars of Carbon TAXED monies into the "Chicago Carbon Credits Bank" that planned Bank is against COAL and is highly a ROMANTIC ADVENTURE by the sponsers of those whom are pushing the "idea" of Global Warming.  Their actual GOAL is to tax every thing which uses a carbon based fuel and to dep[osit these "TAXED DOLLARS" into the Chicago Carbon Credits Bank.  So When you buy a lawnmower you will file that you now own a GAS ENGINE and will pay an annual "LEVY" TAX to "CHICAGO Cr,Bank", that tax is supposed to be regulated via the phoney "CAP&TRADE" regs.  So your annual tax could be say $3.00 for a mower, $2.0 for a CHain saw, $33.00 for a Motorcycle, $12.00 for a moped, 2 to 3 hundred for any vehicle,,,,, anon anon for all CARBON BASED usages, like your home furnace and gas stove.  Just so you can "DEFINE" the MOTIVES and the DEVILS behind ""SCAM,ROB&PLUNDER", these carbon taxes will all be DEPOSITED INTO the "FEDERAL CARBON CREDIT BANK of CHICAGO"  directly from your wallet into the hands of the "ELITE"- them at the TOP of our GOV for the last 2 decades.  WAKE UP AMERICA, ONE MORE TIME!  Most persons that are going to benefit from these taxes have been in the Federal GOV for the last 2 decades.  Their SCAM is a sort of FEDERAL RESERV of CARBON and the PRESENT "EPA" is very deeply involved in the NEW CARBON FED BANK, so watch out.   EPA dont want you to even get a sniff of this.

almost 8 years ago
Re: Trump. Sum of history 116 years price of GOLD.

The following chart will show once for all that our friend GOLD is truly, the GOLDEN RULE or the YELLOW BRICK ROAD or the Highway into the Stars.  Gold is forming its new "DOUBLING over DOUBLING EFFECT"  this chart seys SO for over 116 years.  Driving "FORCE IS" suprise suprise, humanity and governence of that population of al governments for thousands of years, written in time from mans earliest history in governance, Great Wall of China, Gengis Kahn, Greek Empire, Roman Empire, British Empire, mini sector governments, interim types of same.  Gold has a chosen spot on man,s core of civilization in governance.  GOLD seems to be one of the treasured spices that legitamise a nation as a bonified Controling entity of a certain group of persons, either by race or by conquered servants, GOVERNED.  Pattern is expected to continue for the forseeable many decades ahead of MAN! 

Following chart will explain in part.  Do you actually think GOLD will fold after seeing this chart?  History seyz NOT:


almost 8 years ago
Are we there yet?

Good morning Willie.  What i have learned from 2008 (?), not a question,  How to lose lots of money fast!  How it must have felt to survive thru the "Great Depression"!  That nothing is what it appears or seems!  HOPE is right around the corner, perhaps this one as it seems the best last chance!  You can have the best claims in the WORLD and go broke!  That where "IF" there is a will there is a way!!!!!!!  Canada got great news today on the "OIL scenairo"  2 giant piplines are to open up bringing in great cash flo to CANADA.  This could spill out to the USA inre: mining, side effcect to the interconected markets of homeland Ca and USA.  Spinoff effcects are Tsunamis.  1 spin off is the effect of the "TESLA auto plant"  like it or whatever, Jr mineral Companies are jockying for the BEST findes nearest to "TESLA" to be their lifelong feed stock for Tesla.  These Jr. "Tsunamies"  could/or will have a gigantic economic impact for Jr's as long as the trend heads forward.  So yes i think the corner we are now turning is the end of the LINE of the 2008 trackline.  We might be there already and not even know it.  IMO these actions occuring spell a very POSITIVE window for LBSR and like a giant DAM busting loose, I THINK SO!  We shall see.  My optamisim is raising DAILY as of post elections.

almost 8 years ago
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