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Oil Refinery

Today, July 5... Nigerian Oil Refinery awarded to China. Is this the one that Mike, had is bid on?

about 14 years ago
Re: Is there an echo in the room??

What surprises me the most about Mike is , he has the ability to pull the investors by the nose on a continious bases. How many p.p. has been issued to keep food on Mike's table. Yet, the company is really on hold. The no offical n.r. gives no hope, because Mike can't fool the exchange. They see through the smoke filled room of b.s. If Mike is truley concerned than he needs to get off his rear and produce some facts to the exchange. Face it folks, If there was any business deals to happen, would these potential customers would wait for Mike, and the exchange. Or would they be throwing caution in the wind about Mike's business practices.

The exchange is telling us something. It is to the investors to face facts and move on. The only reason why I come hear and read the boards is that I personally made friends with the posters and I feel bad that all is lost.

Keep up the fight, cheers to all, have a great weekend.

over 14 years ago
Re: WWF Candle of hope

Roy, Your note was very spot on, and well written. It has been a privelge to have you be the first mate of this ship. The bottom line to all shareholders is that although some fortunes have been lost. You will not be in the poor house from this lost investment. Move on with more positive companies. Remake your losses with the good investments.

Merry Christmas to all shareholders, all the best in 2010. May the anvel fall on all corruption. Cheers to all. Signing off for the last time.

over 14 years ago
Re: News or not news?

From what I am hearing. News coming out early next week. Still waiting on couple hole assay reports. Thus far the company is pleased with the results and the i.r. dept says that it will put smiles on all investors present and future. So we wait until the beginning of August. Have a great end of July.


about 15 years ago

Being just a few followers on this board. It seems to me that lots of hot air keeps stroking the backs of a few hopeful investors. If the statement just written causes some hair to stand, it should. Lets see..... Since the past three years, the stock has been halted for review how many times. How many new deals has come to light, and been released with approval from the securities. The only thing I will say that is positive is that an announcement has NOT been made that the company will no longer be trading nor in business. Truly that is positive. But the question still needs to be addressed is why is WWF continuiously in this situation.

My question to the board, What else is positive. This P.P. is just another cash grab for keeping the key board members and key expenses afloat. Other than that, I seriously question it.

It would be a blessing that an oil refinery deal comes to light, to date is their any deals present? Secondly, Would someone anwser this question, What company would want to deal with a company who has no financials to go ahead of a deal?

If a deal was immenient I for one would put money into it.

Have a great end to June.

P.S., I for one enjoy the posts, and respect the individuals who keep posting. Keep up the faith.

about 15 years ago
Re: 5 Weeks since AGM and

No. The exchange has a habit of taking time and ensuring all docs are present. And with Mike's past history, its not. This will take time to sort out. The good thing is the stock is halted and the share value is not lower. The bad thing is that Mike has no money and he will be forced to close the doors or merge with someone. I think that closing the doors due to lack of funds would be the case. However, I personally seen Mike pull a rabbit out of his hat. Now was the a trick or a real rabbit. Have a good weekend.

almost 16 years ago
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